The basics...

in #steemedc6 years ago (edited)


Took a little trip to the park yesterday. This park, Jones Point, is partially under the beltway which makes for a great area for the kids to bike ride especially if it's hot or raining/threatening rain. The bridge provides a nice shaded/mostly covered area!

I brought the basics along, AFAK, knife, water, little pouch of tricks, etc.


"Ankle First Aid Kit" basically a mini trauma kit to treat massive hemorrhage and penetrating chest wounds.

Good to know. Would be nice to have a more compact med kit than my 30 pound Blackhawk med bag

Great little package of goodies - It's a guarantee that if you didn't have this kind of #EDC gear then you'd need it badly (less the water of course (that's essential)).
Great Picture by the way.

Murphy is a son-of-a-bitch and shows up at the worst times! Trying to find the balance between paranoid and prepared for 99% of outcomes is the key!

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