
in #steemdraft7 years ago (edited)


I don't know how do you feel about it, but for me it is sooo annoying that I can't draft my story before publishing on steemit. I know people work differently, some can write a post without thinking twice, for others like me writing is a process wich includes to take a step back and have a look later with a fresh mind and an refreshed eye for spelling mistakes and right choice of pictures. I really would like to see here the possibility to save the draft of a post, and not only one at a time.

What do you think about it? Perhaps there are already some good ideas out there how to improve this issue.


Thanks for your attention. Have a nice day ! 


Kiam mi verkas artikolon cxe steemit. Mi preskaux cxiam skribas unue malneton. Mi tajpas gxin en html uzante "text editor".

Mi notas ke vi sxangxis vian bildon.

Dankon pro via respondo @nenio. Ĝis nun mi nur aŭdis pri text editor, sed neniam uzis ĝin, ĉar mi ne estas komputilisto. Jes mi ŝanĝis mian bildon. Eble mi perdis per tio kelkajn kunulojn. La antaŭa bildo estas mia propra kreaĵo, sed nuntempe mi pensas, ke ĝi estas tro ideologia por uzi ĉi tie.

Vi povas uzi Word, sed vindozo, Mac kaj linukso havas nativan text editor.

There is a draft function in the mobile add e-steem and also in

Thanks @katharsisdrill, I thought to find a solution direct here on Steemit.

Busy is exactly like Steemit. You still use the same account but with a more funky interface.

Thanks again. The interface looks good. But still I don't really understand how the site works. Do you use it instead of steemit or can you go back and forth?

You can go back and forth. The things you do in post, comment, vote - will be visible in the other and visa versa . The team behind Steemit has encouraged people to make programs on top of the blcok-chain, and as everything is open you can make a new website, just like you can make a mobile app.

Now I got it. The world becomes more and more complex, however I will try it out.

Yes buddy.. I am facing the same problem. So what i do is that i compose and edit article in Evernote. Then when it is finished, i copy paste it to steem it and then add images and do font styling

Try as katharsisdrill recommended.

Thanks. It is still quite complicate and could really be improved.

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