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RE: SteemPlus 2.5 : Integration of Steemit More Info features

in #steemdev6 years ago

Brave looks good, is my default browser at the moment.
SInce firefox is now working to stop "fakenews" i found that out very concerning, i think IT IS ME that should decide what is fake and what is not, not someone else, if i want censored views of the world i just have to tune on the news on the tv ( dumb box )

SteemPlus looks superb! bow down to this work! i do not want to miss all his features like the amount of votepower in a upvote ( can i choose the amount? :o )

This will be very handy to newbies like me to understand it better, i will try to play with brave and see if i can get the extension working used the method @stoodkev pointed out. I am not a developer but i would like to see this extension working with brave!

Thanks for the info @stoodkev, and for the hard work you and all the other(s) i don't know about, like @armandocat ! have put to develop this !

i will check that honey thing described in the link you provided :)

i am a brave newbie as well :)



When it comes to politics, I am a member of the german labour party. So I hate all these stupid fake news of the neocons, ultra nationalist and so on. But I am ready to fight for their right to freely say whatever bullshit they want to say and for the right of every other to decide what he wants to read or believe in.

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