
I like this idea, @rok-sivante! Especially because I follow a lot of people and many times I usually spend some time reviewing a material that in the end has no greater value or I am not interested. Lost time and failed reading! Right now, when time is money, it becomes fair and necessary to read texts of quality or that have excellent proposals. I'll put it in circulation.

All this actfit and fight posts suck indeed. Would be really neat to block them.

I personally curate only for the people that show up in my feed. All of the Trending,New, Hot and Promoted feeds are broken.

I agree! I started unfollowing people who keeps only making drugwar and actfit posts.
I mean, I think these blockchain apps are cool idea but I don't really want to know what people are doing on them. It's just worse when it is just flooding your feed.
Some of these people I don't want to unfollow since they are still making interesting posts once in a while. So, a way to filter those annoying posts out would be a good idea!

Hi rok. I couldn't agree more. My feed is full of users I follow, but there are more of these types of posts coming through not which is not great. Some of the Actifit posts I don't overly mind too much, but the fight posts I have no interest at all. A tag to remove those types from your feed would make the experience a whole lot better.

Yes I agree. All this "Check out my Drug Wars fights" are getting hugely annoying. A little bit more control of filters would be a nice thing to have.

Also, Steemits own search engine would be a great thing. But I thing such a thing isn't coded over night. And instead of getting rid of Google we now implement Google Ads lol

Whats your thought on this topic? I wrote an article were I put down mine

have great time


Sir @rok-sivante i am the in this steemit. I think this is the amazing idea to Increase Curation Quality.

Sounds like something to be implemented on Hivemind.

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