SteemVP - Quick Update

in #steemdev7 years ago

Apologies for those that have found their browser extensions not working any more. I've been having a break for a couple of weeks and I just clicked on the chrome extension (FF extension has been disabled due to a policy against minified code) and notice it isn't working any more. Looking into it, it seems the new steemit node broke it somehow. I'm just looking into it at the moment, but like all steemdev pursuits, no one really knows how anything works or even who is actively maintaining resources. Hopefully I'll have an answer in the next day or so and can get the Chrome extension back online.

The future status on the Firefox extension is unknown, as the only way I can meet their policy directive is to get my hands on a non-minified version of steemjs. Contacting whoever it is who maintains steemjs is proving difficult at the moment. In any case, I doubt they will release a non-minified version of it, so in that case the Firefox extension will be indefinitely shelved.

Stay tuned for updates!


Thanks for the hardwork @revo! It's a great help bringing it back. :)

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