Introducing - Get notifications on your posts and more!

in #steemdev7 years ago

While working on a broader app to bring the ability to filter your feed by multiple custom tags (which I hope will be released within about a week), I've also created a stand alone site to get all your steem notifications.



Get notifications for

  • Post and coment upvotes
  • Replies to your posts and comments
  • Resteems
  • Follows
  • Mentions

Additional features include:

  • Visual notifications in your browser tab
  • Audio notifications
  • Switch audio notifications off
  • Switch upvote notifications off, for those of you who are just too popular.. ;)
  • Navigate straight to your notifications with

This is the first release of this app. I hope any bugs you experience will be minor, but please let me know via this thread if you encounter any problems. From my own limited testing, it seems that audio notifications aren't yet working on mobile. On occasion audio notifications won't be functioning the first time you open the app. If you experience that, it can be fixed by disabling audio notifications in the menu and then re-enabling them.

The site isn't optimised for mobile yet, but you can still use it fine. Double-tap to zoom the page to fit your device screen. I will be bringing better mobile functionality in the coming week(s).

If you find this app useful, please resteem to spread the word. The ability to get notifications is a feature that a lot of people have been requesting. I'm glad to be able to get this out to at least tide us over until the UI/UX is upgraded.


Have you considered sharing this tool to

Thanks for the tip. I'll contact them and see if they will list it.

I tried the service but could not see the incoming votes. Is the beta working ?
I think the idea is great, I hope you continue on this path !

Yeah, it's working. I've found over the last few days that when is struggling or down, the underlying data layer can lag behind. I'm hoping as they sort out whatever problem has been plaguing steemit that the data problem will resolve itself.

Hmm. This seems like interesting. I can't make it work on Firefox most probably because of some addon. I'm currently trying to make it work on chrome. Okay it's working there. It looks great. One nice thing would be when looking at the notification window if new notifications could appear as they are notify. Right now we have to click else where and re-click the notification.

I'm finding that the underlying data layer is really shaky. When it's lagging, the notifications won't show. And then all of a sudden you'll get heaps, or even repeats. I'm a bit disheartened by it. Unfortunately there's not a lot I can do about it unless I (or someone else) starts a more reliable data service. I'm financially in no position to do it, unfortunately.

When the data layer is performing correctly, I found the notifications work well on Chrome, Firefox and Safari. The audio notification doesn't work on Safari, so I will address that in future upgrades. You could be right about addons/extensions interfering, although if they aren't limiting javascript in any way, they really shouldn't impact on the functioning.

Thanks for your feedback @teamsteem.

I had a javascript blocker but disabled it for the site and still no luck on that part.

Ok, that's not good. I can't really think what could be causing it. You can try starting firefox in safe mode (hold shift down while double-clicking to start firefox), and that will automatically disable all your addons. If it works at that point, then you'll know one of your addons is causing it problems. Note, though, that it's never going to be instantaneous even when the underlying data layer is performing correctly. The site polls the database once a minute. So even in optimum conditions, you could wait up to 1:59 to get a notification. Also, the table which the 'mentions' are generated from only updates from the blockchain every ten minutes. So you could wait up to 20 minutes to receive a @ mention notification. And that's if everything in the database is running smoothly.

Anyway, let me know if you have any success with firefox in safe mode.

My comment was about the delay in the notification but the fact that we have to click on the window to make the new one appear. It would be nice if they would pop up in the window there. Anyway nice app and I'm looking forward to the future development.

Thanks @teamsteem. I'll look to incorporate your suggestion into a future release!

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