Anyone have any experience with steemconnect?

in #steemdev7 years ago (edited)

I'm creating a new app and would like to integrate steemconnect into it. As is usual with steemdev, there's essentially zero documentation, and the documentation that exists doesn't work and the links to examples are dead. It really gets tiring trying to create apps on this platform. Not sure why I keep putting myself through this. But I'm basically committed now to this one as I signed up a new account via steemconnect2, which cost me 6 steem, and now I can't do anything with it. I don't even have the keys associated with it. Incredible. Good bye 6 steem?

Anyway, has anyone managed to do anything with this API? If so, I'd be forever grateful for your help.


You didn't get keys when you created the new account?

Did you get a password? (The password can be used to derive the keys).

I don't know much about steemconnect or I'd help you with that - I've been avoiding it until I know it's something I want to deal with.

I ended up conversing with @fabien on Discord and he sorted me out. I haven't looked the account up yet, so I'm not sure who technically owns it, but they have control of the keys. The reason given was to retain control in case of abuse or fraud etc. It's not an ideal situation, but I can see why they are doing it. They just need to document it better, though. I really wasn't happy originally when I found out I'd paid for a new account and then gifted it to steemconnect without my consent. I think I might write a tutorial with all I've learnt of the process when I finish my app. While documentation is totally lacking, at least @fabien is really helpful on the discord channel.

Hi @revo, if you need any help with behavioral logic, or just a beta testing to give you usability and adoption feedback let me know. I have some design & QA experience and happy to assist in anyways. I'm still not sure how I can give back efficiently to this community hence that's why I'm just started with quality feedback to support the articles and posters who are making a difference in the communities here (all in their own unique and very different ways).

Thanks mate. I could definitely use some design advice, as I'm shithouse at design. As I get closer to releasing the app I'm going to put out a 'heads up' post to let people know it's coming and to also get some early users on it so that when it goes live it has some 'content' on it already... I know this sounds a bit vague at this stage, but I don't want to out too many details, mainly so I don't get paranoid that an imaginary person is going to steal my idea.. :p

No worries dear innovative @revo. Happy to help with with content as much as design input.....I think there is a lot less little visibility and interest in community blockchain development outside of sky high promises that most ICO makes (from what I've read in the last 3 weeks, its seems like it's also a fair share of steem developers have moved onto other projects over the last year) that its a shame the # of supporters of these community devs were not more vocal in Steemit....just putting out my thoughts.

Maybe you should put up the proposal in utopian and earn some support, but than again....paranoia is a bitch, especially when its imaginary persons bothering you, it's harder to call the cops on them as compared to regular weirdos :p

I'll make time when you need help, just write back to this post or another one of my replies to you....I probably check steemit 100x more than chat/discord.

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