Steemex v0.13 released: improved reliability and convenience [open source Elixir library for Steem]

in #steemdev7 years ago

This release includes improvements and bugfixes I've made over the past few months. Noteworthy changes: 1) erlang websockets client library was replaced by elixir websockex package 2) jsonrpc responses are parsed to native datatypes for elixir, for example, NaiveDateTime for timestamp.

Repos and docs

GenStage event producers

Steemex uses GenStage, a new specification for handling and exchanging events among Elixir/Erlang processes.

On module app startup two GenStage processes are started and registered:

Steemex.Stage.Blocks.Producer which, perhaps unsurprisingly, is a new blocks producer
Steemex.Stage.RawOps produces raw blockchain operations
Steemex.Stage.MungedOps produces parsed, cleaned and transformed operations

A GenStage consumer example

defmodule Steemex.Stage.ExampleConsumer do
  use GenStage
  alias Steemex.MungedOps
  require Logger

  def start_link(args, options \\ []) do
    GenStage.start_link(__MODULE__, args, options)

  def init(state) do"Example consumer is initializing...")
    {:consumer, state, subscribe_to: state[:subscribe_to]}

  def handle_events(events, _from, state) do
    for op <- events do
    {:noreply, [], state}

  def process_event(%{data: %MungedOps.Reblog{} = data, metadata: %{height: h, timestamp: t} = metadata}) do """
      New reblog:
      #{inspect data}
      with metadata
      #{inspect metadata}

  def process_event(%{data: data, metadata: %{block_height: h, timestamp: t} = metadata}) do """
      New operation:
      #{inspect data}
      with metadata
      #{inspect metadata}



  • Add latest blockchain ops
  • Add more structured ops and transformations
  • Add transaction broadcast

About Elixir

Elixir is a functional programming language with superior concurrency primitives, distributed computation and fault tolerance capabilities based on Erlang/OTP.
Personally, I am really happy with my bet on Elixir to build cryptotokens related apps and strongly recommend every developer to try it.

Learning resources:



Great work 👍💪

Wow nice changes and good improvement ,,great job keep it up

You also follow ,upvote and comment @horlly

i up vote you sir please up vote me on @iwant because your vote give me a way to survive on steemit thanks & iwill always upvote you

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