Steemr: Display all the posts of a steemian and the statistics | 展示一个账户的所有帖子和统计数据
It is hard to see all the posts of a steemian on steemit. You have to scroll down your browser, wait, and scroll, and wait ...... Nothing is more boring if the author has hundreds of posts and you want to see the oldest one, which might be the self-introduction post.
I was suffering this problem for a long time. Today I could not stand it any longer. Thus I developed a web app:
Input an ID and press Enter, you can see a table of all the posts. Features:
The table displays 20 posts per page by default. You could change the number on the top-left of the table to display 50 or 100 posts per page, or all the posts.
The time, payout and vote number are given. Click the column name and you can sort the posts.
Type something as keywords in the top-right bar or the bottom bars, and you can filter the titles, posting time, categories and tags. For instance, type '2017-07' in the bottom date bar, and you will see only the posts posted in July 2017. See the moving picture below. Combining the sorting feature, you can easily find the highest payout post in a given month.
One single click (if blocked, press ctrl+click) can jump to the webpage of a post on steemit, cnsteem, chainbb, busy, steemdb, or steemd.
Statistic diagrams show the cumulative payout, votes and post number. A 24-hour diagram shows the active hour of the author.
The following figure is an example, showing the growth of the cumulative payout of @deanliu's posts.
Have fun!
Steem 有个让人无比郁闷的毛病:想一目了然地看一个人的所有帖子,你得往下拉,等着载入,再拉,再等......尤其是那些发布了几百上千篇帖子的大神,想看他们的旧帖,在 steemit 上难比登天。我只能去 chainbb,那里支持分页,点第一页就行了。但是,你还得点页码,仍然不是很方便。
为啥就没个文章全部列表呢?连杀人鲸 @deanliu 都抱怨:
如今,能做到展示全部文章列表的,大概只有我量身定做的 steem 镜像网站了(@deanliu 的镜像, @dapeng 的镜像, @pzhao 的镜像)。只是我仍不满意:没做镜像的怎么看?想看某人收益最高的帖子怎么办?每次都查数据库,太烦了。
于是我二话没说,操起 R 语言,光光光光,做好了,欢迎大家来调戏,地址是。是的,就是我开发的 steem 水浒英雄榜那个地址。英雄榜退居二线,给帖子一览表让让位。
只要输入个 steem 账号,按回车,就显示这个账号的所有 blog 帖子(不包含 resteemed)。功能如下:
默认每页显示 20 篇文章。你可以点击表格左上角的数字,选择每页 50 篇,或 100 篇,或全部显示。
表格左上角和下方都有搜索栏,可以搜索标题里的关键字。例如在 Date 一列下面的搜索栏搜索 '2017-07',就会过滤出 2017 年 7 月的文章列表。此时再点击标题栏的 payout 排序,就筛选出 2017 年 7 月 收益最高的帖子了。
每篇文章都给出了在 steemit , cnsteem, chainbb, busy, steemdb, steemd 的链接,点一下直达(如果被浏览器阻挡的话,按 ctrl + 点一下就在新标签打开了)。
附带给出了统计图表,展示作者累计收益、累计点赞、累计文章数量和 24 小时活跃时间的统计图。
下图是 @deanliu 的作息时间图:
这个 app 我一直想做,拖拖拖拖拖到了今天才终于做出来。近期的心愿已了,我打算享受一段没有 steem 的时光,正如 @deanliu 所说:

你这个截图 votes 一列出了点错误,我查看了一下,已经修复啦
Wow what a great innovation. I'm sorry it was led by frustration but most projects begin with it. You've made going back to a post so much easier for the rest of us.Thank you, thank you!
You are right. It takes a project some time to improve.The only thing I could do is to show my proposals in my own apps.
这个可以有。 链接有点小问题, 两个//
啥链接? 里面,比如输入dapeng,出来的列表,直接点标题和后面那些网址链接过不去,回到,firefox 还提示拦截什么的。如果右链浏览器新标签页打开是可以的。
哦,那大概是因为浏览器的安全级别。只要同时按住 ctrl 键,再点链接就行了。
100%赞!对我来说最有用的就是那些 Charts。可以很好的看到自己发展的轨迹。
谢谢。charts 以后会添加更多哦。
沒錯的!! 就像我最近也是出現了點問題,人還是得好好休息啊~~ @@
肯定!! :)