What is happening to SteemData?

in #steemdata7 years ago

SteemData has been stuck on block 10,629,436 for a couple of days . This is because I had not upgraded the node or any of the code running SD in time.

For the past month I have been working on a new Python library (TBA), which moves away from websockets, and uses more transactional http to communicate with steemd. I have spent a lot of time improving, refactoring and fixing various issues within it, and it was not ready for HF18 or SD a few days ago.

I didn't think this would be a problem, however to my surprise, I have been contacted by more people than expected - people who rely on SteemData for their applications.

The good news is that SD is now running on new, experimental Python library, and is going to catch up to the head block today. Syncing will be faster once I deploy my own steemd node.

Also, there is now a very basic support for comments.


Why do you decline payout on this? You absolutely should be getting paid by the Steem Network for contributions of this kind.

Thank you for kind words. I am getting paid as a witness already, and it is my pledge to deny post payouts.

I just like upvoting your comment :) how about SteemQ any updates there, that is the App I'm most looking forward to :)

:) This year will be make or break for Steem and IT :) are you free for a quick conversation I have some app ideas, and am quite inexperienced, still looking for a developer to help, you are one of the most active and working on a few projects at a time, also I get the feeling you are quite serious and dedicated :) so yeah if you can spend a few hours to help me go through a few ideas I'd be grateful, we might make one happen if something sparks your interest :) I also got some ideas on the whole video watching experience, but I'm not sure what can be implemented and what is game-fiction D? (only works in engines)

So yeah sorry to burst out of the woodwork like that, but I'm looking for someone to help me out for months now, I'm hoping I don't have to work and think alone on a social media :D

Upvoted your comment, because you declined the post payout. I agree with the guy above. You should let the platform reward you for things like this.

Thank you for posting @furion.

Appreciate all you do. Steemians use SD...it helps to see the data presented in the different formats....discovering something new each time.


I was curious to see the number of posts per day graph for the last days! :(

Spoiler: The end of the graph is pretty much a cliff (although perhaps not if Monday gets included in the data)

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