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RE: Steemitblog: Deep Dive into DeFi: How much can I earn being a Liquidity Provider?

Isn't that the dollar volume though, not the fee totals? The fee totals are fractions of the dollar volume and are divided among all liquidity providers. This example doesn't look quite right to me...


1658 x 3% = 48+1.5+.24=49.74x365=18,155,
18,155/55,000= 33% ROI

Do you collect all 3%? Is it 3% of the volume or 3% of the fees?

On Uniswap you share transaction fees with the platform, but on Justswap all transaction fees, which are 3% of the volume go to the Pool.

This is my understanding:
It’s transaction fees. These are usually 3% of the transaction value, so although they are usually reported out separately, you can also calculate them from the transaction volume number.

Ok so 3% of the total volume is fees paid to liquidity providers. That 3% is how much you would get if you were the only one in the pool as that number is shared with all providers, no?

That’s the total payout on the pool, so you share it with other pool members. But the ROI for the pool is your ROI on your investment. So if it’s 30% for the year you should see that for your investment.

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