A Sparkling Chat With @coruscate!

Hey friends!

This past week has been incredibly impactful for me. From self-relization to finding encouragement, my life is different, and for the better!

While we were in Toronto, we listened to some pretty great speakers. One in particular I really related to, and that was @coruscate!

I had only chatted with her through comments a few times, but I was excited to get to know her better!

We talked about everything from how to view yourself as a content creator to where she sees her Steemit journey going!

▶️ DTube

Greetings, freedomtowrite

Well done your video made with @coruscate. She is a very nice and nice girl.

Glad you got the self-esteem needed to accomplish your goals. After this first step, let others come and let you achieve your goals in a gradual and lasting way.

Thank you and good evening!!!!!

Thank you! She is a great girl! I'm glad I have it too...I've been blessed with amazing people in my life that have encouraged me to chase after my goals!

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Great job ladies!! I am glad you both had so much fun. Be well.

Thank you love!

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Aww it was so great to relive our conversation by watching this back! We honestly could have chatted for hours and I’m so glad we had a chance to connect!! You are such a natural on camera and your energy really flows through! :)

Ps... If you guys ever find yourself in the Bellingham area during your travels - be sure to let me know! ♥️

Ahhh thank you! I'd love to make more videos...it takes me out of my comfort zone!

And agreed, we could have definitely chatted for hours! If we are ever in your area, we will let you know!

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Oh my goodness! I just looked up Bellingham! You came a far way to the conference!

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Some purrrdy smiles there! Happiness abound!

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Haha thank you! Yes, happiness abound!

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Hahahaha the best sparkling talk.

Haha thank you!

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I'd rather see someone that's super enthusiastic, or super grumpy, or somewhere in between, either is fine as long as its genuine. I think everyone would prefer knowing the real us and we'd rather know the real them. Some people just hit it off from the get go and others take a bit longer. Its wonderful that you two seem to be in the former group and have started a friendship, which is fantastic. :D
God bless you and your family lovely lady. :D Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! :D

I bet, when you feel that connection it's sometimes easier to take that mask off.

And I'm with you...I'd much rather see someone being genuine...whatever that looks like for them in that moment. It takes bravery to show that.

Posted using Partiko Android

That is so true, being genuine with new people is a bit scary, especially if you've only spoken online before you met them in person. :D
I try to be positive, but there are moments when I'm not and am an unfit be allowed to interact with others, thankfully that only happens once in a while, and I try to avoid others when I'm feeling that way so I don't drag them down to that ugly spot with me. :D
It really does take a lot of guts to show people the good, bad, and ugly parts of yourself, hopefully though those that we let see our whole selves appreciate that bit of vulnerability and still like us for who we are. :D
God bless you and your wonderful family. :D Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! :D

I hear you about those times when human contact isn't the best! Those parts I'm very hesistant to share! But yes, I would hope they could see past it.

I'm sure they would lovely lady. :D Whether it was right away or took a bit more time is the only thing I'm not sure of. :D
Keep being you, keep smiling (it makes them wonder what you're up to), and remember to forgive yourself for those times. :D
God bless you and your wonderful family. :D Have an awesome day my fabulous friend! :D

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