in #steemcommunity6 years ago (edited)

An Obstacles is something that hinders your progress, obstacles should be accepted because if you take a path with no obstacles then it probably does not lead you anywhere. In fact, obstacles are critical to defining who you are, what you want, and what you are made of. Your perception and reaction to Obstacles is what defines and creates success in your life.


When one of my friends evangelized to me about steemit he really did it with sugary lips like you come to steemit you post, vote, comment and earn that excited me a lot and to add to that he testified to me how he had earned his (1million Uganda shillings ) in his first month. This really got my nerves up I started imagining myself as a billionaire in a short while and one funniest thing I remember I told my self that am going to start saving 1million Uganda shillings every month from steemit so I can buy my mum a car. When my account was verified I started posting there and then, guess what I posted a random picture with no supporting words at all obviously I had a zero but still, I did not give up I continued the next day where I posted about four pictures but still, I did not earn so I realised it is high time for to me to call my friend so he explains to me how he made the 1million if am making zeroes . That is when I realized steemit is not a smooth journey you have to work hard for you to achieve your success and it is not a get rich easily scheme it all takes efforts Just like any other business
Today I want to share with you some of the obstacles I have found in my journey and how I have managed to overcome them

steemit obstacles and how to overcome them

Authoring really a good post takes time and Usually, it takes me 3-4 hours publishing one post if it is an easy topic that has been handled but there are some topics that even take a full day where so much research is required before you publish. Time is never enough because am handling other projects but I always try as much as I can to give steemit time since we all know you cannot reap from steemit if you are not giving it enough time.


  • steemauto
    When I get a free day from work or during my free nights I maximize my output by writing two or three posts at a time. Then after I use steem auto to schedule them according to the different time I want each to be published. This has helped me a lot to use the other times when am not writing a post to follow up on my followers, read other people's content and also engage in discord with my fellow steemians.

  • Dtube
    When we speak we are faster than when we write so expressing yourself using a video sometimes saves time. I personally have not used Dtube before but the people that use it always advise me to make a video because it saves time for the viewers and also the content creator. This week I will try out and maybe I will share with you my experiences.

Running out of ideas.
It happens to everyone on steemit I think you get the feeling that you have exploited every topic and you cannot come up with anything fresh that is going to engage readers. I do not if any of you has been in bed and then you start thinking about what will happen to you on steemit in the coming weeks because you really feel all your topics are done like nothing more you can produce in the next weeks.


  • Surf the Q and A sites from that way am being able to have ideas about the most frequently asked questions and what people really want. Am also contributing my quota to the society by attending to the questions of several individuals.

  • After writing a post I always encourage my commenters to drop their favorite topics or if they need a part 2 to my story and when no ones turn up I take it as a no then I choose another topic. I really need my followers to engage with me.

  • planning ahead has helped me a lot because sometimes I get to choose a topic from a number of listed topics which increases my motivation to write since I know I can still write more that week.

No traffic
it is really frustrating for you to write a post for 2-3 hours maybe you even take a whole day doing research and then after all those efforts no one engages with you. It really hurts but here is my solution


  • Be consistent we human beings if no one cares about us when we have given something our all we just feel like giving up but consistency will bring more engagers on your blog maybe someone can read your nice post today then he can tell a friend and after some time the viewers will increase.

  • engage with others. steemit is a two-way thing give back and they give back to you most of the times I take time and read other people posts, leave comments and also upvote but one thing I realized 80% of the blogs that I comment on the blog owners follow me and also comment on my posts. Also, discord is another way to engage every day I get time and say hello to members of the discord channels and from there have met really interesting people and loyal ones.

Low payouts
Nothing hurts like writing a good post and the pay is very low , you try and research , do everything in your power , comment as much as you can and at the end of the day no results, by the way, one day I felt like crying after writing a very big post and the payout was just 0.12SBDs.


  • I always look at growing the following and I realized the money follows when you build a trust between you and your followers where there is crowding there is money and the real steem money has not been made but it will make more years to come

  • I always keep my expectations very low with steemit if you keep your expectation high you will get a high blood pressure. I just let the things flow like a river.

There is no smooth journey and let me take this opportunity to thank @paulag and @legendchew for this contest where you get Exclusive Blogging Course worth USD 94.99 please feel free to join from here

Thanks for reading and feel free to engage with me on how you overcome your obstacles plus which other obstacles are you finding along the journey.

be blessed all


Hi, I'm new to this platform. God bless your work and keep growing physically and mentally, I hope you go through my blog and follow me @carlosdap11 I follow you too

Your welcome to steemit @carlosdap11 to this platform will look at your blog....thanks for visiting mine

Hi @ireneblessing, thank you for your participation. Your entry to "Exclusive Blogging Course Giveaway Contest" has been approved.

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