
Oh no, I missed the Mulled Wine offer at Aldi's...

Oh I don’t trust Aldi drinks! But a tesco express has a bunch! ;)

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What do you mean you don't trust Aldi?! Do not get Aldi confused with Lidl!! Aldi is awesome ;)

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Oh damn ya right! Hahha I always get those two confused!!

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Hahaha I knew it!!!

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Yeah me and dayle love aldi, but I made the mistake of going into a lidl one day...

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hahaha come on... How did you even make that mistake when both shops' brandings are so different??!! :P Hopefully now you'll never make that mistake again!

I might, mistakes happen! ;)

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What's wrong with Lidl redrica? I love that place... Especially the artisan bread 😉 to be fair though, Aldi is pretty good.

Hmnnn... Tesco!? I haven't heard of this entity being from 'up north'

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To be fair, I might be too mean on Lidl, I haven't shopped in a Lidl in more than 5 years, they could be much better nowadays, but I wouldn't know! And they weren't that bad really, just that quality was average, I just think Aldi is great, price and quality (of most things) ;)

And are there really no Tescos up there?? I somehow never noticed the few times I travelled up north!

are there really no Tescos up there?? I somehow never noticed the few times I travelled up north!

Ha ha. I was just joking 😉 there are Tesco up north... Just less. We even have a couple of Waitrose in Liverpool nowadays

Posted using Partiko Android

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