The special presence of God

in #steemchurchsc-n6 years ago (edited)

Like the air you breathe

A disciple asked his wise teacher:

-Master, I want to find God.

The teacher did not respond. As it was very hot, he told him to go with him to take a bath in the river. When both were already in the water, the teacher grabbed the disciple hard and kept his head under the water. Lacking air, the young man struggled with despair for a few moments until finally the teacher let him back to the surface. Then he asked what he wanted most while he was under water.


"Air," the disciple replied.

  • And you want God with the same despair with which you wanted air when you were under water? The teacher asked him.

  • If you want it that way, you'll find it. But if you do not feel a pressing need for it, reasoning and books will not help you. You will not find God, unless you desire it with as much vehemence as the air you breathe.

I want to speak to you this morning about the presence of God, the special, the necessary, the real of his presence in the life of the believer. From the beginning of time the desire of God is to have communion with man, from the Garden of Eden to our days that is his desire. Today we are going to see how God was with his people Israel and how the church is still with us.

The presence of God with Israel in the desert.

The one born in Israel passed through a desert after leaving Egypt and in the middle of that desert God went with them.

Exodus 13: 21-22 (NKJV) "And the LORD went before them by day in a pillar of cloud to guide them by the way, and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, that they might walk by day and night. night. 22 The pillar of a cloud by day, and the pillar of fire by night never departed from before the people. "

In the middle of that hot desert the Lord was with them, I did not abandon them, I took care of them.

God led them on a path they did not know.
So that they did not stray they had to follow the column, if they did not they would be lost and they would die in the desert.
Now we do not have this column to guide us, but we have something that they did not have at that time, their word, the word is God's guide for us. It is the one that lights our way so that we do not stumble in the midst of so much darkness, it helps us to keep our feet on that narrow path that Jesus pointed out to us.

The presence of God promised to Israel.


Later, God himself promised Moses that his presence would go with them and give them rest.

Exodus 33:14 (KJV 1960) "And he said, My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest."

It is interesting to note here not only that God promises Moses that he would accompany him but that he would give him rest. What does that rest mean? I would not have to do anything.

This word really has the idea of ​​rest after having worked arto. That is the rest.

Do you need rest for your life, true that there are times when we get tired, there are times when we get tired? But God wants to rest us, if we do not learn to rest in the Lord, it will be very difficult to continue, because you will be loaded with things that will eventually get you out of the race.

It is impossible to continue with the race that lies before us if we do not learn to rest in the Lord, if we do not learn to deposit all the anxiety of life, the weight will be so great that we will end up collapsing before the overwhelming weight. let us rest in the Lord, it is useless to labor, says the Lord, no matter how hard we try, we will not be able to change the situation.

The presence of God promised to the church.

But that same presence promised to Moses is also for us at this time.

Matthew 28:20 (NKJV) "teaching them to keep all the things that I have commanded you; and behold, I am with you every day, until the end of the world. Amen".

Every day his blessed presence is with us, that is what makes the difference in us, his Holy Spirit is with each believer, the one who believes in me as the scripture says will flow rivers of water of life and Jesus said speaking of the Spirit that would receive those who believed in him, if you have believed in Jesus really you have the Holy Spirit and with the blessed presence promised by the Lord.

Small details that makes the presence of God in your life.

That they prefer you over others.
Tell you you have a special energy, you have something cool.
Being told you do things well.
Tell him you have good ideas.
That they tell you is very cheerful.
We like to do business with you.
That is the presence of God in our lives, if something good can be seen in us, it is not really us. It is thanks to the Lord in us. the same thing happened with Daniel in Babylon.

Daniel 6: 1-3 (NKJ 1960) "It seemed good to Darius to set up over the kingdom one hundred and twenty satraps, to rule over the whole kingdom. 2 And over them were three governors, of whom Daniel was one, to whom these satraps gave an account, so that the king might not be harmed. 3 But Daniel himself was superior to these satraps and governors, because there was a superior spirit in him; and the king thought of putting it over the whole kingdom. "

God is with us and sometimes we do not realize that.


The presence of God is the most precious thing we can have as human beings. Having contact with our father is wonderful, we find the essence of our being. Moses said, I do not want to go anywhere if your presence does not go with me, he knew that what guarantees a full and happy life is the presence of God.

What a nice beginning. It's indeed our desire that inspire His appearance. If we need His presence we desire. God is always available it's only man that moves away from his presence.
Thanks for this wonderful message.

This is a great and wonderful message. From the beginning of time the desire of God is to have communion with man, from the Garden of Eden to our days that is his desire. Today we are going to see how God was with his people Israel and how the church is still with us. Every day his blessed presence is with us, that is what makes the difference in us, his Holy Spirit is with each believer, the one who believes in me as the scripture says will flow rivers of water of life and Jesus said speaking of the Spirit that would receive those who believed in him, if you have believed in Jesus really you have the Holy Spirit and with the blessed presence promised by the Lord. It is interesting to note here not only that God promises Moses that he would accompany him but that he would give him rest. Thanks for sharing

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