in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)

Hamaan was an elite in the kingdom of Medes and Persia. He was second in command to the king. Highly placed above all the princes of Persia, the King gave him his golden ring and a house. Hamaan was happily married with 10 sons. Looking at the life of Hamaan one would believe Hamaan should be satisfied.


With power comes control. Hamaan wanted to be able to control everyone around him. He wanted to be able to have everyone bow before him whenever he walks around the king's courtyard and the gates. His quest for power and control was his downfall. There is a popular saying that Pride goes before a fall", so was the case of Hamaan.

Hamaan even with all his wealth and riches was sad because a common Jew like Mordecai refused to bow before him. He must have felt insulted and belittled but that wasn't all, he allowed his anger consume him and sought to destroy Hamaan. One would think that since Mordecai was the reason for his anger, his vengeance should be on him alone but no, Hamaan wanted to use his right standing position with the king to annihilate not just Mordecai but his people. He had to lie against the Jews that they do not keep the King's law so the King would approve his evil desire to kill all the Jews in the land.

Hamaan knew how powerful he is and he was excited to be honoured by the queen to a banque made for just him and the king but yet all that availed him nothing so long he still sees Mordecai alive and sitting in the king's gate. An evil mind devises wicked plans and so he decided to dig a gallow of fifty cubits high and tomorrow he would speak to the King for permission to kill Mordecai.


We serve a God that neither sleeps nor slumbers. When God's children call upon him with a right heart God answers. Mordecai knew of the evil that has befallen him and his people but he also knows that he is serving A God who is able to turn situations around. He told Esther of the bad news and immediately she demanded they fast and pray for 3 days and after that prayer, things changed.

The night before the morning Hamaan was to go take permission from the king to hang Mordecai, God made king Ahaseurus sleepless and he remembered Mordecai. Mordecai's enemy who sought to kill him was made by the King to drive him round the city of Shushan in the king's royal horse dressed in his royal apparel and a crown and chanting, "This is the man whom the king desires to honour" instead of "This is the man whom the king desires to kill". What a twist of fate.

It didn't stop at that, the gallows meant for Mordecai 50 cubits high was used instead to kill Hamaan, it's maker and Hamaan's ten sons. What a way to end the life of such a highly placed man. His place was taken by Mordecai and Mordecai was highly respected throughout Persia. From the king's gate keeper to the King's right hand man.


  1. God will always make a way for his children. We live in a world where principalities and powers and wickedness in high places abound. People seeking to destroy us for no just reason. These people are Hamaan of today but we should be like Mordecai. We should be strong and courageous knowing that we serve a God who has never failed to deliver his own. Read Psalm 50:15 Prayer is and still remains the master key.

  2. Evil may succeed but the end is what matters. In life it may look like our prayers are not working and our fasting is in vain because the problems still persists. We feel like God is faraway because we see our enemies winning. Look at Mordecai, the bill had been passed to kill his people, the gallows has been dung but our God is the God of the last minute. He allows the enemy prevail so he can manifest his glory and all who looks shall tremble at his powers.Romans 8:28 says that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

  3. God works in mysterious ways. God knew that all this will befall the children of the Judah and he started making a silent way for them. Out of all the maidens chosen for the king, Esther was the only one who found favour in his eyes. Esther knew very well that no one is allowed to come to the king unbidden but she trusted in God and said "If I perish, i perish". On the last day of the fast when she walked into the king's court, the king stretched forth his sepulchre letting her in. God gave her the wisdom to organise two banquets because he knew all the events that will follow suit leading to the end of evil. Our God works behind the scenes. When you think all hope is lost, God is sending your helper ahead of you to meet you at the cross road. Read Romans 11:33-35.


  1. What we sow is what we reap: sometimes we wish evil for others because of envy and jealousy. We wish to see them destroyed, sad, unhappy. We must be careful what we wish for others. Sometimes God allows what we wish for others to happen to us. The bible says in Luke 6:31 "Do unto others what you wish others to do unto you". It is a golden rule. If you want others to wish you well then wish them well. Don't be like Hamaan, look at his end. He was killed by his own death trap.

  2. The faithful are always blessed by God. The children of Jew were not touched nor their properties destroyed instead it was the people of Persia who were destroyed by the Jews. It may look dreary and grim but God always looks out for his children. He will never let evil win over good. We are his children and he would always protect us and making our enemies our footstool when we trust in him and handover all our problems to him.

Thank you for reading. I hope this touched your spirit.
This is a story from the Book of Esther in the bible

Thank you @sirknight for bringing back #sc-n.

Until I minister again,

Yours truly



The story of Hamaan and Mordecai teaches us to be humble no matter the position we occupy

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