the Salvation

in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)

(Timothy 2: 5-6) "For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, Jesus Christ man, who gave himself a ransom for all, of which testimony was given in due time. "
For how many was Jesus Christ given in ransom? Not only for some, but for all, brother and sister. Jesus Christ paid the price for everyone and he did it with the purpose that everyone would prove salvation. If that was what he did, would it not be completely contradictory to say that God has in fact only chosen some of those for whom he gave His Son, which basically means that he did not choose (that is, rejected) the others? Imagine that you went to prison and love all the prisoners, so much that you paid the highest price possible for God that price was His Son - to free them. How many would you like to see free? I believe that everyone.

Now imagine that some chose to stay in prison. How would you feel? Would not you feel very sad about it soon? You paid the highest price for them! You want them out! I would be very sad if some decided to stay and I think so also God. He gave His Son, paid the highest possible price for all and what do you think? He wants everyone to take advantage of what he made available. He wants everyone to be free "from the power of darkness and be transferred to the kingdom of His beloved Son" (Colossians 1:13).

(John 3: 16-18)"For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not be lost, but may have eternal life. Because God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but so that the world might be saved by him. He who believes in him is not condemned; but he who does not believe has already been condemned, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

God loved thworld (using our example of the prisoners: He loved all the prisoners, not just some) and for all the world, for ALL, He gave His Son why? "The doctrine according to which God has only chosen some human beings to be saved, which implies then that he has also chosen others to go to hell is a very false doctrine and has put people to sleep thinking in which God will save those whom He wants. That is not true. Brothers and sisters, we have the responsibility to speak the Word, looking for opportunities to spread the gospel, that is something that is in us. Speak the Word, tell the prisoners "get out of prison." If they are going to leave or it is not in their hands, it is their responsibility. But it is our responsibility to tell them. It is our responsibility to teach the Father. As much as the father concerns him, he wants with all his heart that all come to him.O that the world is saved by him". When God gave His Son he was not only pointing to only one part of the world but to the whole world! He does not want to just release some prisoners but all the prisoners. Salvation is God's option for all, because it was for all that he paid the respective price. There is no man on the face of the earth for whom God has chosen to be lost.
God, without doubt, has an important role in salvation, the most important. But we have our own responsibilities and God also gives responsibilities. 2 Corinthians 5: 18-21 is very clear about our role in reconciling men with God.

(Corinthians 5: 18-21)"And all this comes from God, who reconciled us to himself by Christ, and gave us the ministry of reconciliation; that God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself, not taking men into account of their sins, and entrusting to us the word of reconciliation. So, we areambassadors in the name of Christ, as if God would pray through us; we pray in the name of Christ: Reconcile with God. To him who knew no sin, he made us sin for us, that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.

By giving His Son, God reconciled the world to Himself. In other words, the door to God is now open. Using again the example of the prisoners, the doors of the prison are all open! But the prisoners are blind. You can not see it. They are blinded by the god of this age (2 Corinthians 4: 4), the devil, so they can not see the salvation that is available to them. So, someone needs to tell these people: "The door to God is open now. Please reconcile with God. For he made a sin to him that knew no sin, that we might be justified before him. "This, to say it, the introduction of the people to the Lord, is the ministry of reconciliation. And who has that ministry? The answer is very simple: we It is our responsibility to tell people. It is we who are the ambassadors of Christ. If you want something from a foreign country you have to call the embassy of that country, the representatives, the "ambassadors" of that country. For God, the ambassadors are us. God opened the prison doors. He reconciled the world to himself by giving His Son. Now we, the ones who were once prisoners, blind, we have to tell those who are still prisoners and blind "come to God, the door is open".
The doctrine according to which God has only chosen some human beings to be saved, which implies then that he has also chosen others to go to hell is a very false doctrine and has put people to sleep thinking in which God will save those whom He wants. That is not true. Brothers and sisters, we have the responsibility to speak the Word, looking for opportunities to spread the gospel, that is something that is in us. Speak the Word, tell the prisoners "get out of prison." If they are going to leave or it is not in their hands, it is their responsibility. But it is our responsibility to tell them. It is our responsibility to teach the Father. As much as the father concerns him, he wants with all his heart that all come to him.


A definition of the Christian doctrine of salvation would be: "The eternal spiritual liberation that God grants to those who accept His conditions of repentance and faith in the Lord Jesus." Salvation is only obtained through Jesus Christ (John 14: 6; Acts 4:12), and depends only on God for his provision, guarantee and security.


Salvation is the liberation from danger or suffering. To save is to liberate or protect. The word contains the idea of victory, health, or preservation. Sometimes the Bible uses the words "saved" or "salvation" to refer to something temporary, physical release, such as Paul's deliverance from prison (Philippians 1:19).

Have you ever taken something that did not belong to you, told a lie, or envied someone’s possessions? What about hating another person or harboring a lustful heart? When we are honest, each of us will admit to doing wrong things.

Our wrong motives and actions—even ones that seem small and insignificant—condemn us as sinners: those who have missed the mark of God’s holiness. Because of sin, each of us is justly sentenced to eternal separation from God. In this place of need, God invites us to come to Him and receive His gift of salvation.

You are right, Salvation is the total redemption of man to God, because of the sacrifice Jesus paid on the cross of Calvary for the sins of the world. Today we have personal connection with God and we can call him Father.

Your illustrations is very telling, infact I love the way you ended your message, you see, I think it's very important for us to know the essence, the gravity and the importance of Christ's sacrifices on the cross of Calvary however the fact that people are still adamant to Christ redemption and their willingness to accept his salvation is really painful.

The doctrine according to which God has only chosen some human beings to be saved

Perseverance in godliness is the proof of the genuineness of a person’s salvation.
By giving His Son, God reconciled the world to Himself. In other words, the door to God is now open

There is nothing precious for a soul to gain salvation ,for what will it be when a man gains the whole world and lose his soul....stay bliss


    1. We are saved by God. (Jonah 2:9)

God does it all. He does not simply 'blaze a trail' or 'clear a path' or 'make it possible' to be saved. He saves. It's His work entirely.

    1. We are saved from God. (Romans 3:25)

Our problem is not merely our disobedience, our problem is God's anger at our disobedience. We're not just saved from sin but from wrath. If our problem was "our sin" then "our righteousness" would be the (implied) solution. But no, the problem is out of our hands - just as the solution is.

Thank for sharing, God bless you.

Just as we have to rely on Jesus Christ to sustain us in this life, so did Jesus have to rely on the Father to sustain Him in the days of His flesh. Jesus was a human being in the fullest sense. He needed spiritual help and received it. He experienced human emotions, pain and suffering like any other man. He was tempted to sin like any other human being but was successfully sustained by the strength of God’s Spirit. He overcame the world ( Revelation 3:21 ). He relied on the Father with complete trust. He attained to salvation under the most trying circumstances. He was resurrected by His faithful Father after three days and three nights, showing to us all for all time that He pleased the Father.

Christ has given us his life that he who believe shall have life and he shall be saved through his name.
The major purpose is to live a life which will always give him glory in all situation.
Those who use their time wisely will be honoured.
Worship him the lord in truth and in spirit for he the Lord is perfect for every one who is ready to follow his foot steps and make him the only way.
Sincier worship will guarante us to gain from the living God and the almighty saviour.
Obey him for he is the lord of all creatures he has the power to do all things according to his wish and his power,
Our lives should be directed towards the right part and the ways which will place the saviour .
Things which er do everyday should always be inclined by his words and his sacred direction.
The situation of men are so many but that doesn't mean that God will not attend to all of them one by one.
His eyes are too far to see the unseen , his ear is too large to hear all your complains .
Prayer is the only thing which can save us from all sorts of evil and keep us moving and making Gods presence be with us.

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