in #steemchurch6 years ago

Mark 1:11 (KJV)
*And there came a voice from heaven, saying, Thou art my beloved in whom am well pleased.


At his baptism, God expressed His satisfaction and pleasure in His Son Jesus Christ who had a unique focus of fulfilling the Father’s pleasure of bringing many sons unto glory. In God's demonstration of love towards you He offered His begotten Son Jesus Christ for your redemption from the pangs of sin and death. This love is so overwhelming. The very day you expressed faith in Christ you fulfilled and became God’s pleasure. Christ is the love package and full pleasure of God for man, so once you are in him you are in God's pleasure. As a child of God you have a Father who is very concerned with everything that concerns your living.

No one in this world can ever demonstrate love to you beyond the abounding love God has for you. To acknowledge that you are the Father's pleasure settles every form of anxiety and the subtle thought of being unworthy before God. If the people of this world are enjoying the demonstration of God's love, how much more you His precious heritage? Be assured in God's love for you because He would never leave you nor forsake you.

The Lord's gaze is fixed on you. He has fashioned you in His exact form to fulfil His pleasure of filling the whole world with His glory in this age. Having known this you must always endeavour to know through fellowship with the Holy Spirit, His pleasure for your living and ministry in every season. As the beloved child of God, fulfilling God's pleasure must be your uttermost priority. Be diligent to labour to fulfil God's pleasure in all the nations of the world.



I am overwhelmed with the demonstration of God's love toward me. Thank you my Father Holy Spirit for always making me aware of your pleasure for every season and guiding me to walk in your ultimate path. I am specially trained and graced by God to be a blessing to the world. I love you Holy Spirit


Romans 8:6 (KJV)
For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.


The Christian has been tranposed from the kingdom of darkness to be a partaker of the Kingdom of the Lord Jesus. Precious child of God, the devil has no right to interfere with anything that pertains to your living. Though the devil is powerless with respect to the Christian, he cunningly dominates some Christians by infiltrating unpleasant and deceptive thoughts into their minds to cause them to live below their identity in Christ. To walk in the fulness of your identity in Christ you must learn to dominate your mind.

The scheme of the devil which has caused some of God's precious people to sway from God's ultimate path operates in the mind. Look at the situation of Eve. The devil used deceptive words to entice her mind to yield to what God had instructed them not to do. Never entertain thoughts that are contrary to the word of God. Jesus Christ knowing the effect of yielding to the deception of the devil, rebuked the devil when he was tempted of him. Whenever thoughts that will cause you to err from your walk in righteousness and holiness come, respond by rebuking them and give thanks to the Father that you are perfect.

Give no place to the devil, because he can only have influence in your living when you allow him. Enjoy the full bliss of the rich inheritance you have in Christ by staying focused in the word and keeping your walk in the Spirit.

The word of God is my delight and I meditate on it day and night. My mind and heart are set on pleasing the Lord alone. I exercise dominion over the devil and everything that issues from him. I am enjoying the riches of my inheritance in Christ Jesus. Hallelujah


God bless you for teaching us the ways of the devil and how to withstand his antiques by rebuking him to free your mind of the devil deceptions

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