When I go from the hand of God

in #steemchurch6 years ago


Psalm 127
1 If Jehovah does not build the house,
In vain do those who build it work;
If Jehovah does not guard the city,
In vain watches the guard.
2 It is too much for you to get up at dawn, and go late to rest,
And that you eat bread of sorrows;
For God will give his beloved the dream.

Psalm 127 was written for Salomon by David, after meditating on the trajectory of his life and thus transmitting to his son the conclusions he had reached, understanding that we must count on God to carry out the best life project.

Every average human being has a house, car, safety and a stable family in his life plan. The bible shows us promises of God for those who fear him, in it we can find many stories of people who were prospered by God:


Genesis 39: 2-6
2 But the Lord was with Joseph, and he was a prosperous man; and he was in the house of his master the Egyptian.
Genesis 13
2 And Abram was very rich in cattle, in silver and in gold.
Genesis 24
35 And Jehovah has blessed my master very much, and he has magnified himself; and he gave him dreams, cows, herbs, male and female servants, camels and donkeys.
Genesis 30
43 And the man was greatly enriched, and he had many opportunities, both female servants and servants, and camels and donkeys.

If we constantly strive to please God we can be sure that his eyes will always be upon us and even if for a time we can be processed we can be sure that He will prosper us.

Many people strive to achieve material things, to improve themselves, but what they reach some day can vanish if it does not come from God.

While it is true that all these people were prosperous with material goods, prosperity does not mean only money, we can be prosperous in everything we do, The prosperity that God offers us goes far beyond covering our material needs, but also our physical needs and spiritual.

The prosperity we get on earth is temporary, material goods are ephemeral. True prosperity must be sought in God, we must trust that God is our provision and exit to all crises, although we have difficult situations we must remain in rectitude. We must trust in God and do good, God blesses our fidelity.

The image of the builder is adequate to reveal what he does when a house has suffered the ravages of a hurricane or earthquake or the wear of time itself, and what each person can do is solve the problem by their own forces or deliver the matter (verse 1). David does not combat personal work, but the work done with anxiety that makes many slaves of his work (verse 2).

True prosperity comes from God. Material goods are perishable and are not insured forever. Now, how to be prospered in God? According to the Scriptures, keeping fidelity, submitting to His will plans, goals and projects, and opening to the divine work. Furthermore, when God prospers such prosperity is solid and does not perish easily because it is part of the wonderful plans that the Lord has for our lives.

Let us consider God, as an integral part of our projects; as a participant in a new covenant, we can not act in an alien way and ignore that God also has plans for our life. Are we willing to put aside our own yearnings completely, and instead that God's plans are fulfilled? In our life? If so, we will surely win, because God has great plans for our life.

With God we can build our dreams, it will always be a project that will surely take us to a good port; no matter how our plans look, maybe we have everything ready but we are alone and wanting to build "our own image and likeness" does not exempt us from the great risk of failing, God does not want us to fail. God will always guide us in making the right decisions, he guides us, opens and closes the proper doors, and stays with us throughout the process, until our work, dream, project is completed.
Trust your way to God today, even if your heart feels faint, allow it to speak for a moment to your life, and remind you that you are walking the path together, and that the work that He has begun, will not rest until you see it finished.

With God we can build our dreams, it will always be a project that will surely take us to a good port; no matter how our plans look, maybe we have everything ready but we are alone and wanting to build "our own image and likeness" does not exempt us from the great risk of failing, God does not want us to fail. God will always guide us in making the right decisions, he guides us, opens and closes the proper doors, and stays with us throughout the process, until our work, dream, project is completed.
Trust your way to God today, even if your heart feels faint, allow it to speak for a moment to your life, and remind you that you are walking the path together, and that the work that He has begun, will not rest until you see it finished.

With God we can build our dreams, it will always be a project that will surely take us to a good port; no matter how our plans look, maybe we have everything ready but we are alone and wanting to build "our own image and likeness" does not exempt us from the great risk of failing, God does not want us to fail. God will always guide us in making the right decisions, he guides us, opens and closes the proper doors, and stays with us throughout the process, until our work, dream, project is completed.
Trust your way to God today, even if your heart feels faint, allow it to speak for a moment to your life, and remind you that you are walking the path together, and that the work that He has begun, will not rest until you see it finished.


Without God's help a house, it can only be the place where the family lives, eats and sleeps. But a home goes beyond that, it is a place where the family grows, builds, strengthens, meets, coexists, shares, loves and is happy. It is the place where God is honored and praised, where the blessing descends on his children. A Home is something that money can not buy, Only the one who builds his house on the Rock that is Christ Jesus, Will obtain, Where they feel safe and well cared for, loved, where they want to be, not only by need of a roof where live. Jehovah not only builds, but also watches, takes care of it, because it is not only a matter of building a home, but of keeping it, of keeping it, of protecting it. Likewise, as Edifica also keeps it, if we follow its indications, he will keep our home, from the snares of the enemy. Any effort that is invested in building a work without the help of God, time, money, effort, work, advice from third parties, everything we do outside of Him, will not remain.

If the family, the house, has not been founded in Christ Jesus, you have a new opportunity, He not only builds, but also restores and converts them into homes, where he can descend his blessing, and transform all that there is , for God nothing is impossible, if you can only believe.


The Work that takes place in our home, is of God, not ours.
He is the Architect, we are only his workers.
He is the owner we who follow his plans.
When we intend to build by ourselves, our work is in vain.

for without the foundation of God that is Christ Jesus, in our lives, everything we build will collapse, will not remain.
His word says that separated from Him we can do nothing.

God is our true trust when we believe Him, when we let ourselves be guided and we pray legally in His presence, obeying His word with gratitude knowing that everything we have comes from Him, we walk with peace, quietness, because we give our house in their hands . The bible says to whom, then, will I compare a prudent man who built his house on the rock? and rivers and rains came upon them and they did not fall because it was founded on the rock that Jesus Christ. Thanks @xiore for this excellent teaching.

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