in #steemchurch6 years ago

No person on the face of the earth can glory that has never been tempted to sin, Jesus himself when he was on this earth was tempted, but not sin. Could it be that we do the same? Could it be that when we are tempted to sin, we never give in, or will we give in even when we are not even being tempted?


Maybe you know people who are in sin and who are so accommodated that there comes a time when sin is no longer an obstacle to walking, but rather accommodates and now "walk with sin", maybe you who you read in this hour you are one of the people that you have accommodated so much to your sin, that you have made friends with him and now you walk with him.
The reality is that man would never have to accommodate himself to sin, on the contrary he would have to be apathetic to sin, we would have to have the desire to be obedient to God and his Word and to strive not to sin, but unfortunately many of us are weak and we we let ourselves be manipulated by sin. It is for this reason that through this topic I want to teach you that walking with sin is the worst thing we can do and that it is time to discard any burden that hinders us to find the grace and favor of God for our life.


It is incredible but we all sin, the fact that we are Christians, does not make us perfect, although we would have to seek perfection, that is, in the day we are presented with many situations that sometimes make us sin without realizing, the Bible talks about that sin does not let prosper and that it is against what God wants for our life. If you say that you do not sin and it really is true, then I congratulate you and Glory to God for your life, but on the other hand we are what we sin, those that although we fight against sin many times, we end up sinning, those that although we have a heart with the desire to no longer fail, even so we fail many times. Maybe this time I can only understand those who like me, many times have struggled not to sin and have failed, those who have called on God to overcome areas of their lives and unfortunately have not been able to overcome. Well I have good news for you, God loves you, even though he does not love your sin, but he loves you and is willing to get up if you are just obedient to his voice.


Well it is easy to describe how sin acts, the enemy of our souls is intelligent and a strategist of the first, he knows how to get to your life to tempt you to sin, he knows your tastes and not because he knew what you think, because he does not is omniscient, but if you observe your movements, maybe not because he is not omnipresent, but if any of his demons, then the question is: How does sin act?

  1. In the first place, the enemy finds out your weaknesses, as I told you, he is a first class strategist.
  2. Put different situations in your life, to get away from the communion you have with God, remember that the more you are off your communion with God, the easier it will be to discourage you.
  3. That's where Phase 3 comes in, how you have neglected your personal relationship with God, the enemy begins to bombard your mind with thoughts of discouragement and sin.
  4. Attacked by thoughts of sin and adding that you are not having a personal relationship with God as you should have, you have nothing left but to give in to temptation and fail.


Well nobody said that sin is not humanly enjoyed, I believe that most enjoy sin if we speak it in carnal terms, but unfortunately the spiritual realities are different, since our function would have to be to fight against our flesh, to overcome desires carnal, to strengthen our spiritual life, the Bible talks about "not satisfying the desires of the flesh." But the question would be: What happens during sin?

  1. When you commit it, you will have a mind in your mind that you do not have to do it, but your very weakness (for not maintaining a constant communion with God), makes you want to ignore that, although you can not sincerely.
  2. Maybe you feel carnal satisfaction, but never spiritual.
  3. Be sure that the fact of being sinful, will not be a reason for joy, but during sin you will remember that it is not right.


While it is true everything began neglecting your personal relationship with God and then fall into sin, you do not have to forget that your actions will have a consequence. Maybe before sin and during sin, it does not even pass through your mind that your sin brings consequences, but the reality is that always your actions will bring a consequence, either immediately or in the future. But going back to the question: What happens after committing sin?

  1. You will feel defeated.
  2. You will regret having done what you did and will want to return in time to avoid making that mistake, but unfortunately you will not be able to, but you will have to face the consequences.
  3. Maybe the consequences of your sin will be difficult, but remember that everything was due to the bad decision to fall into sin.


We are all aware that God has given us the victory over sin and that the enemy of our souls is already defeated, starting from that you have to stand firm so that tomorrow we will not be subject to temptations that make us fail God and deteriorate our personal relationship with Him. Each of us is the master of the decision to sin or not, no one forces you not to, but neither does anyone force you to do it, but it is you after all who decide whether to do it or not. But what would be the best way to overcome sin?

  1. Never neglect your personal relationship with God, as long as you maintain a devotional life (pray, read the word, congregate, serve, fast, etc.) with God, I do not think the enemy can do much against you. Remember the Bible says: "Submit yourselves to God, resist the Devil and he will flee from you".
  2. Before committing sin, think about the consequences that can bring you and not only in the pleasure you will feel, because the pleasure is momentary and the life that God offers is eternal, think about it: What is better? A moment of carnal pleasure or an eternal life to inherit ?.


The truth is that there is no better thing than overcoming sin, in those moments in which you are about to sin, the act of saying "no" will make you feel a thousand times better than letting yourself go and fall into sin. Believe me there is no greater satisfaction than when a child of God resists sin and it flees from him. God wants to make you understand that you are more than conqueror and that there is no sin that defeats you, so above! God wants to make you a servant (a) useful for his work.


Many times we think that sin is only the evil we do, the evils we commit, but it is also sin not to do the good that we should do, it is sin not to do good when we know we must do it, it is sin not to do good with who we know we must do it (proverbs 3:27)

I upvoted your post.

Keep steeming for a better tomorrow.
@Acknowledgement - God Bless

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To overcome sin we must spirit filled. Sin hinder us from blessings from God

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