The Our Father: The Best Prayer Model to Be Heard by God

in #steemchurch6 years ago

The prayer of our father. it constitutes one of the discourses given by Jesus better known by Christianity in general regardless of its denomination; it has been historically taken as a prayer to address God on the part of Roman Catholicism. Which, although eloquent, is far from being the purpose for which it was given to us.

If we look closely at the previous context in which we are given the prayer of our father, we will notice that Jesus in Matthew chapter 6; he is introducing the prayer in the midst of another great discourse, "the sermon on the mount," which is basically a kind of summary of what are the essential norms of the kingdom of God; that is, it is a kind of constitution of the kingdom of heaven given by Jesus.

In the midst of this great discourse is where the prayer of our father appears. Not as a monotonous prayer which must invariably be repeated in order to somehow achieve communion with God and his favor; but as a model prayer; which shows us the important points and essential attitudes to be considered in all our prayers addressed to the father, as part of a duly reverent approach.

The basic evidence that is a model of prayer and not the institution of a prayer is found just before it is declared where Jesus tells us previously:

When you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, because they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the corners of the streets to be seen by men; I swear you that the have already got their reward.
But you, when you pray, enter your room, close the door and pray to your Father who is in secret; and your Father, who sees in the secret, will reward you in public.
And when you pray, do not use vain repetitions, like the Gentiles, who think that by their verbiage they will be heard.
Do not become like them, then, because your Father knows what things you need before you ask him. Matthew 6: 5-8

Jesus in the meantime instructs his disciples speaks of two negative things as an example of what not to do when praying; the criticisms of the teacher (possibly received by the Pharisees), are focused on his disciples never repeat; the wrong attitudes of hypocritical people when praying. These attitudes are:

Do not pray to be seen by men, but pray to be heard by God.
Do not use "vain repetitions" what today would qualify perfectly in the category of prayers ...
According to Jesus instructs us, God simply will not listen to us or because people see us praying in public, or because we articulate monotonous and vain prayers; that sound intellectually pleasing to the human ear. God knows what we need and it is no use trying to pretend something we are not; before the eternal knowledge of Almighty God. He knows the truth about our lives.

What does our Father's Prayer teach?
"You, then, will pray like this: (...)"

After Jesus points out what not to do when praying, he begins to tell us from verse 9 what must be done. The teacher instructs us point by point so that our prayers are pleasing and effective before God; and can be answered.

Our prayers should then be spontaneous and have the following components in them:

1.- Recognition and Adoration.
"... Our Father who is in heaven, hallowed be your name. "Matthew 6: 9

The first important point of the prayer of our father is the recognition of God as the supreme and superior being. We must speak from the intimacy of a child to God and say "our father" but always acknowledging his supremacy and power; and the eternally sacred of his name. "Sanctified" means holy and something holy is something separate and exalted, in that sense our God and his name is the greatest, sacred and eternal that exists; He is worthy that our prayer always begins with such recognition.

2.- Longing for your Government.

"Come your Kingdom. Thy will be done, as it is in heaven, so also on earth. "Matthew 6:10

The second point to consider according to the pattern of prayer of our father is the vehement sincere desire for his will. It implies the petition for the manifestation of his sovereignty in action, for the institution of his kingdom here on earth; because it is done and fulfills its good and perfect will in the same way it happens in heaven. that men obey God in the diligent manner in which the heavenly hosts do it.

3.- Petition for daily provision.
"Give us this day our daily bread". Matthew 6:11

It is true, God knows our need, as we saw earlier in the words of Jesus, and it is wrong to pray as if God did not know them; but at this point Jesus reminds us that although we must ask for our daily needs what we need ... Daily food.

Everything that is necessary to cover our physical, spiritual, emotional and affective needs; we must ask the Lord for everything we want, without reservations; but always aware that He knows perfectly what we need ... And is evaluating the form and motives of what we ask according to our real needs.

4.- Petition for forgiveness.
... and forgive our sins, just as we have forgiven those who sin against us. Matthew 6:12 NTV

A very important point that leaves us to consider the prayer of our father as a model is to ask for forgiveness and forgive. All without exception we offend many times and in many ways God in our daily walk, whether of thought, action or omission; and although God has promised to forgive us whenever we repent, but in this passage he establishes a necessary condition "to forgive those who have offended us".

For if we do not forgive others their sins or offenses committed against us; God, our Heavenly Father, will not forgive us either ... This is the case according to Jesus himself in verses 14 and 15 of the same chapter after the prayer of our father.

5.- Petition to be protected.
And when the trials come, do not let them separate us from you, and deliver us from the power of the devil. " Matthew 6:13 BLS

The version of the bible used in this portion of the prayer of our father is the Bible Simple language, which changes the traditional "do not lead us into temptation" by a "when the evidence comes do not allow us to be separated from you" which does not it is only perfectly valid, but clearer. the word temptation means trial, and to be tempted is to be tested; so we must ask for strength for the moment of the test, a moment that will surely come ...

We must ask God that we can endure the trials without turning away from Him, his commands, and his presence, but that we can stand firm in the day of adversity.

The last of the requests made in the prayer of our father is what in the King James Version is expressed as "Deliver us from evil" ... and in the one used earlier here as "deliver us from the power of the devil" in that sense our daily prayer should include this element; the request for divine protection to be freed from the power of evil and the devil that lurks in different ways our day to day.

6.- Recognition and final Exaltation.
... because yours is the Kingdom, the power and the glory, for all ages. Amen "Matthew 6:13

The Bible King James Version do not lead us into temptation and deliver us from evil; it is finished with this beautiful justification "because" of God is the kingdom, the power and the glory; that is, that He can do it with the faculties that He holds; and it is very important that in our prayers we ask him to do so effectively.



We can call God the Father, because Jesus Christ, when he redeemed us with his death on the cross, gave us that gift, he got us the right to be also children of God. Many think that "our" means that he is Father of all of us. And that is true, but the most important thing is that Jesus Christ, without us deserving it, shares HIS FATHER with all of us.

He could have composed that prayer for us to pray like this: Father of Jesus, who are in Heaven. But no, He wanted to give us His Father to be our Father as well.

This is a wonderful and great message. In the midst of this great discourse is where the prayer of our father appears. Not as a monotonous prayer which must invariably be repeated in order to somehow achieve communion with God and his favor; but as a model prayer; which shows us the important points and essential attitudes to be considered in all our prayers addressed to the father, as part of a duly reverent approach. A very important point that leaves us to consider the prayer of our father as a model is to ask for forgiveness and forgive. All without exception we offend many times and in many ways God in our daily walk, whether of thought, action or omission; and although God has promised to forgive us whenever we repent, but in this passage he establishes a necessary condition "to forgive those who have offended us". The first important point of the prayer of our father is the recognition of God as the supreme and superior being. We must speak from the intimacy of a child to God and say "our father" but always acknowledging his supremacy and power; and the eternally sacred of his name. "Sanctified" means holy and something holy is something separate and exalted, in that sense our God and his name is the greatest, sacred and eternal that exists; He is worthy that our prayer always begins with such recognition. Thanks for sharing

We can call God the Father, since Jesus Christ, when he recovered us with his passing on the cross, gave us that blessing, he got us the privilege to be likewise offspring of God. Numerous believe that "our" implies that he is Father of every one of us. Also, that is valid, however the most vital thing is that Jesus Christ, without us meriting it, shares HIS FATHER with every one of us.

He could have made that petition for us to implore this way: Father of Jesus, who are in Heaven. Yet, no, He needed to give us His Father to be our Father too.

Do not pray to be seen by men, but pray to be heard by God.
thanks for sharing this with us..

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