SteemChurch:Let's take the gospel like Jesus Christ

in #steemchurch6 years ago

"... Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature ..." Mark 16:15
How can we be effective in that mandate that the Lord gives us? I imagine that some of you as it has happened to me, we have hit walls trying to carry the gospel. We have experienced contempt, contempt, disbelief, elusiveness.


This makes it difficult and discouraging for us to take the gospel to others. How Jesus did to carry the Gospel of Salvation. What were His effective methods for monopolizing people's attention.
Obviously, we are not Jesus, but like Him we can put ourselves in the Father's hands and be used as Instruments of His Peace and learn from the legacy that Jesus left us in the living Word of the Holy Scriptures.

The most mentioned main characteristic of how Jesus preached is the authority with which He did it. The Authority, given by the Father. Unquestionable. The use of the Word of God is strong as thunder and as a two-edged sword.

As Luke tells us in his Gospel, Jesus from the age of twelve showed that His power of elocution was of great magnitude that even the wise and learned marveled at hearing him in the temple (Luke 2:47).

Mark tells us: "They entered Capernaum, and on the Sabbath Jesus entered the synagogue and began to teach. And they were astonished at his doctrine because he taught them as one who has authority and not as the scribes "(Mark 1: 21-22).

Everyone agreed that they had never heard a man like Jesus. They swirled to hear him. What a joy to have been in the presence of Jesus and to hear him! Even his enemies marveled. Today, we are left with what He said only what was written in the Bible. And if they extract only what Jesus said from His mouth they will only get several written pages.

The Reverend James Stalker, who wrote the book The Life of Christ among others, said about those Jesus said and I quote "it is no exaggeration to say that they form the most precious literary heritage of the human race. His words, like his miracles, were expressions of Himself, and each of them has in it something of the greatness of His character. "

The first message of Jesus was not about love, nor psychology, philosophy, theology. Neither science nor religion. It was a call to repentance as Matthew 4:17 says: "From then on Jesus began to preach, and to say: Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near." This was after he was baptized by John the Baptist and tempted by Satan in the desert.

The Words of Jesus were concise, brief, to the point. Containing the greatest amount of teaching and truths with the least use of words so that these words are fixed in memory.

Among the methods used by Jesus we have: stories, parables, miracles, prayers, speeches, symbols, allegorisms, questions and answers, case studies, repetition, induction, motivation among others. By means of which he fixed in the Christian the theological points that he wanted to demonstrate.

The use of the parable was usual at that time, but He gave it the spiritual touch and exposed it perfectly and masterfully portraying in the listeners a difficult picture to forget. About a third of all his sayings are parables.

This shows us how effectively the parables were left to the disciples. More with how much effectiveness is left to us. Who does not remember the prodigal son, the sower, the talents, among others? Even the unconverted remember these!

The primary interest of Jesus was to stimulate deep and reflective thinking in relation to the truths he presented. Every person who listened seriously to what Jesus said was moved to make a deep analysis inside. Jesus came to teach a provocative teaching. A teaching that was embodied in the real life of his disciples and produced changes. We can see it in the passage of the Samaritan woman in John 4: 1-29.

Jesus took advantage of the moments of need and converted them into teaching. It optimized the moment when the believer's heart was more apt to listen. For example, he took advantage of the storm in the boat to preach of the faith. Matthew 14:31. I speak of the resurrection when raising Lazarus. (John 11:25) He took advantage of the need at the wedding at Cana to establish His power (John 2: 1-12).

When he addressed someone from person to person, he did it directly, giving him all the attention he deserved to give the right word and cover the need. Without worrying about races, sex, color, ethnicity, social or political status. And it could be understood the same with the richest as with the humblest.

He did not care about the titles, grades or positions of whom he spoke, nor the opinions of others.

He had a mission and the only thing that mattered was the salvific message he had to give, still forgetting his humanity. He was carried forward by the stream of his mission, and nothing that could happen to him could stop him or cause him fears or doubts.

It was detailed, transforming the experiences of everyday life, taking particular education away from daily tasks and converting them into transcendental truths. It went from the simple to the complex, from the familiar to the new, from the known to the unknown. These rhetorical figures came alive when they were heard because invariably the human being could identify with them by adding color and life to his words.

This style made it different from everything people had heard before. Where religiosity is mediated by rites, libations, penances, among others. Instead of worrying about love, life, the justice of God, they occupied themselves and detailed how much they could walk on the Sabbath, how they should enter the temple, how they had to stop to pray, the duration of the fasts among other futile things. He spoke from the heart, with the anointing of the Holy Spirit and with the power conferred in such a way that he gave others of that power as he did with the woman with the flow of blood.

Another quality of the Lord Jesus Christ was that he spoke softly but firmly.

Despite his tone of authority and his severe attacks against the bureaucracy of the time, it spread over everything that said a glow of grace and love. In this especially his character was manifested. Because even when you could see His attack on the social structure and hypocrisy of the time manifested in the Pharisees, priests and scribes.

He did it with respect and dignity without offending the person but his processes. He was addressing man for what he is. Bearing in mind at all times that any sinner may have the pearl of choice within him to be called to repentance. All the differences that the human being has with each other are superficial.


beautiful message @ taty17, remembering the love of our Jesus, in that cross as he said it: nobody takes my life, I give it for love. Thanks for remembering the importance of having Jesus with us. The savior of the world .

We have been commission with the responsibility to spread the goodnews to the whole world with humility and dignity

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