in #steemchurch6 years ago


Philippians 2:12

If we say that we are light, because Jesus has transformed our life, we should be children of light, illuminate with our lives the people around us, injustices should not go unnoticed before us, we should be the voice of those who do not have, fragile, of the needy. God has delegated functions to us, he has given us the tools to enlighten those who live in darkness. It is clear that we will have opposition since darkness abhors light so that its works are not exposed.
In this paper we will study the beautiful teaching that leaves us Philippians 2: 12-18. Let's see:

The book of Philippians is a letter written by the apostle Paul, very beautiful, with expressions of praise. joy, hope, maybe that lovely essence is because it was simply emanated from a heart in love, because Paul wrote it in his first imprisonment.

In this chapter we observe the model of Christian living, it is our duty to live imitating Jesus and this can only be done through the Spirit of God acting in us, in this way its fruits will be produced in us.

12 Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but much more now in my absence, work out your salvation with fear and trembling,

Paul expresses generality in the word salvation, Paul touches this issue exclusively to the church that is already saved and makes recommendations for the practice of salvation. He urges the church to deal with his salvation diligently to resolve his problems among believers not outside. Paul's letters are precise in that salvation must also be related to a change in our way of life, that our way of living revolve around Jesus Christ.

At the end of this verse we see how we must deal with salvation and it is not to instill fear but rather reverence before this fact, which is not a game but the greatest of miracles.

13 For God is the one who produces in you both the will and the doing, by his good will.

This verse focuses on God. The miracle of the salvation generated by God where the one who gives the miracle and who receives it participates. So God has saved us through the faith that will also produce a result in us. Although God does not save us by works, the result of that salvation will be a transformation and that transformation will produce in us the works realized by the fruits of the Holy Spirit. Although God knows our condition, and it is not necessary that we identify ourselves as Christians every time we speak, this faith is externalized in our lives.

14 Do everything without murmurings and strife,

15 that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world;

The bible says that whatever we do, we do it as for the Lord, we should not accept any work if we later complain, we should do it with love without complaining or murmuring. we should shine as light. Pablo talks to us about having a good attitude. To be light we must show ourselves irreproachable, simple and without blemish. Let us do our duty without murmuring, that there are no complaints about our work. The children of God must differentiate themselves from other people, we must be careful in our walk, remain blameless, humble and in holiness.

16 Ascribed to the word of life, so that in the day of Christ I may boast that I have not run in vain, nor have I worked in vain.

When we preach Jesus Christ we expose our light, we are like lights in the world, doing every good work. Paul could have used the word "grasped" in the sense of indicating strength. The word makes us luminaries.

17 And though it be poured out in libation upon the sacrifice and service of your faith, I rejoice and rejoice with you all.
18 And also rejoice and rejoice with me.

The libation consisted in pouring oil or wine as an offering to God. In the priestly legislation it accompanied the daily holocaust. We know that there was a libation that should be added to the holocaust and the cereal offering. It was never added to the sin offering or the guilt offering. It was a very unusual offering in the sense that it had nothing to do with redemption; it had nothing to do with the person of Christ. The Israelites brought a wineskin and simply poured it over the sacrifice that was being consumed by the fire. Paul was saying, "I want my life to be poured out as a libation in the offering of Christ." Paul knew that the Lord Jesus Christ made the supreme sacrifice, and the apostle wanted his life to be a libation, simply poured out to ascend like a vapor. He wanted to be consumed and hidden so that everything that was seen was precisely Jesus Christ. He wanted Christ to receive all the honor and glory. This was the mentality, the way of feeling of Pablo.


Beloved, let us put aside all offense, all iniquity, all sin, and humble ourselves in the presence of Our God, may our life be as an offering with a fragrant odor, let us be humble, simple, without dissensions or strife, let there be no murmuring in us, let us be luminaries. that God uses to extinguish the darkness of this world, transform that evil generation with our light.


Good message sister @xiore definitely we children of God are the luminaries in the midst of darkness, and we can not hide but we will have to shine to teach and show the world the light of Christ.

good post @xiore. Indeed, we are the light of the world, and as such we must shine. Do everything with love and without strife, trying with our actions, obtain our salvation, although we know that it is not by work, so that no one can boast. but good deeds are essential, so that our father who sees in the occult can bless us in public. It is necessary to always look for the direction of the holy spirit to be luminaries of the world. Thanks for sharing. Blessings

As a Christian any place we find ourselves we must be different, we are the light in this dark world, we must be a living sacrifice

We need to live our life to show forth the glory of God and show the light of Christ in us wherever we may find ourselves.
We are the light and salt of the world

let's be humble, in every place and time ... reflecting God in our life and in everything we do, thanks @xiore for this beautiful publication. blessings to you.

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