in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)

Matthew 19: 4-6

My dear brothers of steemchurch this writing is addressed to the knights of our community, today I wanted to make a gift to these gentlemen who are choosing the person with whom they will share their life.

Jesus, spoke to us about this (Mt 19: 4-6) The one who made them at the beginning, male and female he made them, For this the man will leave father and mother, and will join his wife, and the two will be one flesh? So they are no longer two, but one flesh; Therefore, what God joined together, do not separate man.


Put what happens when a man is in this facet, looking for the love of his life, that person who will sleep next to him, who will eat with him, have fun with him, but also form a family, they will have children, they will see wake up every morning, they will also share the moment of illness, scarcity or family problem. This will be the person with whom you will have to share everything that happens in your life and every decision you make.

The great majority of my esteemed gentlemen often let themselves be carried away only by what their eyes see, they only notice that they are pretty, that they have a good body, but we will see what the bible tells us about this.

My dear gentlemen, my greatest advice is that you should always go further, pay attention to those small actions that reveal our way of being, what attitude we take in situations as simple as when we share with family, friends, in front of a child and how we resolve an unexpected situation.


I leave a brief explanation of the types of women that the bible warns them to be careful, because if they do not make a good choice they could face one of them in the future:



Maybe we asked because the spiteful woman says if the verse speaks us of the rencilless woman, to understand it we have to know what the rencilla word means: Fights or fights between two or more people of which resentment or resentment remains:

The rencilless woman is the one who does not have the ability to pass the offense high, but on the other side is a continuous reproche, live continually making her face their things that were sayed, live continuously claiming for past errors.

For this reason the Bible compares it to a continuous leak, because it tires, despairs, it is annoying to be day by day in the same situation and discussing the same issue.


This verse shows a harsh reality, it is better to live in a corner of the roof, than with an angry woman.

The angry person is one who is dominated by anger, but generally we think that an angry person would be the one who throws the pans, who threatens with a knife, etc. Today we will know the profile of an angry person:

A) An angry person is aggressive: he is aggressive verbally, physically and emotionally.

The aggressive person is not only aggressive with others: husband, children, etc., but can also be aggressive with herself: people who take an overdose of pills not with the desire to take their own lives but to make them feel guilty, afflicted and bitter. life of your spouse.

B) An angry person lives with a defensive attitude: that defensive attitude of the angry is known as passive aggressiveness, and what is that? in the attitude of ignoring people, they are spoken to and do not answer, you can not talk to them because they do not answer a word.

The angry people who offend, it can be said that he speaks for his internal wound, because he has a wound in his soul that could not be healed, but Christ can heal her with his love.


The indollent word means: not to be conmede, that does not hurt, is to say that an indolent is a person who does not feel pain, does not care about the feelings of others.

The indollent woman destroys marriages because it is a woman who does not care about how to watch but her husband has to fulfill its requirements and his caprices.

The indolent woman is esxigente, wants to continue with the lifestyle that leads, not interested in her husband, if he is tired or in debt, he only cares to have what he wants. He does not see his husband as his companion but as the one who brings money home, nor does he realize that he can lose it by his attitudes.


This verse tells us of a sad reality: jealousy is hard as hell itself, they are embers of fire, strong flames that burn the interior of the person who feels them and burns the person who receives them. the jealous woman is difficult to bear like the hell itself, her distrust, her reproaches, the stories that her mind invents are unbearable, it is hard to bear a jealous woman who arms scandals, who harasses with her attitudes.


My dear knights in 1 Corinthians 7 the apostle Paul teaches us and tells us about marriage, he tells us that for him it is better not to marry but if you do not have that gift like that, then you must prepare yourself so that when you take that step you do not have to repent.

The book of Proverbs says many things about women. As you know, the book of Proverbs is a list of sayings, or expositions of wisdom, and throughout the book, there is a continuing interest for women.

There is a woman who appears frequently in the book of Proverbs, and she is the polar opposite of the exemplary woman. She is the adulteress. Flatter with your lips; she abandons the commitment she has with her husband, and seduces another.

There is also the foolish, the rebellious, and the screaming. And all are totally opposed to the ideal woman of chapter 31. There is nothing better than an exemplary wife; There is nothing worse than the one that is not. The wife has the ability to influence her husband and children ... for good or bad.

10 Exemplary woman, who will find her? Its value exceeds that of precious stones.
11 Her husband trusts her with all his heart, and for her he does not lack profits.
12 Always treat him well, never bad every day of his life.
13 He goes out in search of wool and linen, and laboriously works them with his hands.


My dear friend, I wish that God bless you with a virtuous woman and fulfill the desires of your heart. Happy day.


Our loving heavenly Father, Jehovah, has given us His written Word to guide us in every matter. He says: "I, Jehovah, am your God, the One who teaches you to benefit yourself, the One who causes you to tread on the way you must walk" (Isaiah 48:17). It is not surprising, therefore, that we find proven guidelines in the Bible for choosing a spouse. Jehovah wants our marital union to be lasting and happy, so he has given us help to understand and put these guidelines into practice. Is not that what we would expect from our loving Creator? (Psalm 19: 8.)

God created first Adam and He put him in the Garden of Eden.

And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed (Gen 2:7-8).

Adam was all alone in the Garden of Eden with only animals and plants, and he didn’t feel lonely. But God knew that at a certain time, Adam will feel lonely and start looking for a helper or companion; he will need a partner.

Therefore, God saw that it was not good for Adam to be alone.

Gen 2:18: And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.

God took steps to make Adam a helper. He did not go directly to give Adam his helper because Adam was comfortable and satisfied in his state of loneliness. Therefore, God had to make Adam feel lonely, feel the need.

He gave Adam a task to perform.

God created all animals and brought them to Adam to see what he would call them.

Gen 2:19: And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.

Nice publication, before getting married I asked God for guidance to know if it was his willingness to marry me who was my goal, fast, cry many times for an answer, until God confirmed that she was really, since then we have 11 years of married and two beautiful princesses, I read a book that is good to clarify some ideas called "Who will I marry? the author is Pastor Luis Palau. I leave you a photograph of my wife and I, remembering the day of our wedding.

foto matrimonio.jpg

Our cherishing sublime Father, Jehovah, has given us His composed Word to control us in each issue. He says: "I, Jehovah, am your God, the One who shows you to profit yourself, the One who makes you tread in transit you should walk" (Isaiah 48:17). It isn't astounding, along these lines, that we find demonstrated rules in the Bible for picking a companion. Jehovah needs our conjugal association to last and cheerful, so he has given us help to comprehend and set these rules in motion. Isn't that what we would anticipate from our cherishing Creator?

Wow amazing post God bless you

Few influences affect a man's heart for God more than his wife, for better or for worse. She will encourage her spiritual devotion to the Lord or hinder her. Either he will expand his passion for God or pour cold water on it. What kind of wife stimulates the spiritual growth of her husband? Proverbs 31: 10-31 provides a profile of the wife who is worthy of her husband's trust. Such a wife is the incarnation of the true wisdom of God, making the husband trust her completely.

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