in #steemchurch6 years ago


Considered the most important organ of the human body, the heart is in charge of driving blood throughout our system. It is strong and powerful, but at the same time so fragile as to require our care and attention.

In life situations occur where we feel that our heart is in darkness, we feel sorrow in the soul and sometimes even affects us physically: knot in the stomach and pain in the chest.

When we have suffered, cried, and experience storm after storm, it seems that it does not stop in our life, our heart longs to see the sun, that light that illuminates and heals so much pain, we feel tired, broken, discouraged, it is where we want seek refuge, comfort, we want to find that place where we can say I am tired, without strength, I can not resist anymore, I want to rest a moment, I want a truce.


When we feel this way it is difficult to know where to find relief and rest. But there is a place where you can always find it: In the bible, God waits for us to give us the comfort we need.

No matter who we drop or where the pain of the heart comes from, I want to tell you that God is the most interested in you, in your situation, He is an expert in transforming lives, healing wounds, restoring hearts. You may feel alone, as if you did not care about anyone, let alone God, but He loves you and wants to restore your life and your heart.

The word rest is beyond the reach of people who live in distress, under pressure, because they are part of a stressed world. The demands of daily life consume time and energy. However, God assures that there is a place of rest for those who trust him.

There is a rest for people who trust in God: It is in the spirit, to give us the knowledge of the abundant life and supernatural power that Christ has given us. There we can rest from our own works and enter the life that Jesus gave us through the cross.

The resting place gives us peace and victory in all areas of our lives and we find it when we believe in the gospel.

there are adverse winds in our lives, many voices nowadays, as the voice of circumstances, the voice of deteriorated relationships, the voice of addictions, the voice of fear and many more. Each of these voices has some effect on our lives. Some of these effects can become so great in our thinking that it becomes a kind of giant that threatens our own lives. But all the courage of God against sin was laid and punished in Jesus. We can rest in that reality. Jesus paid the full cost of our sins, for our peace, for our healing, provision, friendship, wisdom, and gave us a complete and total victory over everything.

"Good is the Lord; he is a refuge in the day of anguish, and a protector of those who trust in him "(Nahum 1.7).

"Therefore, although we went through many difficulties, we were not discouraged. We have concerns, but we do not lose our calm. People and problems persecute us, but God does not abandon us. Contrarieties make us fall, but they do not destroy us "(2 Corinthians 4: 8-9).

"Even if I go through great anguish, you will give me life; against the fury of my enemies you will stretch out your hand and your right hand will make me safe "(Psalm 138,7).

You can say with gratitude: "I rejoice and rejoice in your love, because you have seen my affliction and know the anguish of my soul" (Psalm 31,7)

"We know that God is arranging everything for the good of those who love him, that is, those whom he has called according to his plan" (Romans 8:28).

"To the mountains I raise my eyes; Where will my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, creator of heaven and earth "(Psalm 121, 1-2).

"Put your worries in the hands of God, for he cares for you" (1 Peter 5,7).

Do not worry about what will happen tomorrow. You'll have time for that. Remember that we have enough with the problems of each day "(Matthew 6,34).

Thank God, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! He is a good and loving Father, and he always helps us. When we have difficulties, or when we suffer, God helps us so that we can help those who suffer or have problems "(2 Corinthians 1,3).

Do not worry about anything. Rather, pray and ask God for everything you need, and be grateful. So God will give you his peace, that peace that the people of this world can not understand, but that protects the heart and the understanding of those who are already of Christ. (Philippians 4,6-7).


Jesus is perfect and does not do half-hearted things. When you come to Jesus and give your life to him to fix it, He promises that He will give you ABUNDANT LIFE, NEW LIFE! That means that all areas of your life will be restored by their power. In the course of our trip, there are blows, losses, abandonments, some of our own responsibility and other products of hell. Jesus wants to restore you every time you receive a new blow, a new break. Jesus wants to renew your strength. Jesus longs for the best for us.
Choose to listen to God when he speaks to you, when he suggests that he wants to take you to a change, because your path is wrong. God would always choose to speak softly and reveal our mistakes to have the best. Let God speak to you today, do not close your ears to the creator.

Matthew 11:28
Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.


We are living stones where our God can rest, it is in our heart that is where we must build that room for him. Beautiful message @xiore.Dios is talking at this time to heal hearts.Jesus, our good shepherd, who restores the wounds and fills us with love.

When surrender our heart to God who is capable of holding it with Care without breaking it,we will be rest assured no matter what may comes our way.

The best place to find total rest for our heart is in Jesus Christ who is the Prince of Peace

This is a wonderful and great message. When we feel this way it is difficult to know where to find relief and rest. But there is a place where you can always find it: In the bible, God waits for us to give us the comfort we need. No matter who we drop or where the pain of the heart comes from, I want to tell you that God is the most interested in you, in your situation, He is an expert in transforming lives, healing wounds, restoring hearts. You may feel alone, as if you did not care about anyone, let alone God, but He loves you and wants to restore your life and your heart. The word rest is beyond the reach of people who live in distress, under pressure, because they are part of a stressed world. The demands of daily life consume time and energy. However, God assures that there is a place of rest for those who trust him. There is a rest for people who trust in God: It is in the spirit, to give us the knowledge of the abundant life and supernatural power that Christ has given us. There we can rest from our own works and enter the life that Jesus gave us through the cross. The resting place gives us peace and victory in all areas of our lives and we find it when we believe in the gospel. Thanks for sharing

God is wonderful, and he expects us to have the door of our heart to enter and dine with us ... many people harden their hearts to the Lord. thanks for this beautiful publication @xiore

We are living stones where our God can rest, it is in our heart that is the place we should assemble that space for him. Delightful message @xiore .Dios is talking as of now to mend hearts.Jesus, our great shepherd, who reestablishes the injuries and fills us with affection.

I have heard the voice of God since I was a child. When I was very ill, I prayed to God many times before the "I will heal you" qualification test. I could.
God is great and a good resting place for us.

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