in #steemchurch7 years ago



Greetings my fellow parishioners of the #steemchurch, I greet you all in the name of God.

So I will be continuing my post about the seven deadly sins of which today’s topic is Greed. Greed is a terrible adversary, it is also called the sin of avarice.

Greed is defined as an inordinate or insatiable longing for unneeded excess, especially for excess wealth, status and power.

So let us look at greed in a more relateable manner as it applies to our lives and our surroundings. Where and when can we have seen the sin of greed? Now very easily will our mind go to people in power in high places and their overtly explicit display of the act. But have we looked at ourselves and surrounding.



Greed is a sickness to me, cause no matter how much you have you will never be satisfied, you will always be longing for more and worried someone might steal from you and never have peace of mind even if you think you are living life. Greed can push you to do terrible things in order to get your hands on what you desire. Now this vice, if there is an order, can only be ranked second to pride.

The major reason for it, is because it stems from the insatiable desire of man to acquire that which he does not have, and it does not end there, but goes further to make him unwilling to let it go when needed.

This vice is such a terrible one because for a person to depict it, it must mean that the person has lesser or no regard for people who are in actual need or that the person simply is not satiated with having the same share or quantity of a whole that is shared, hence seeking to acquire more. Looking at our lives, we all can see that in some way we have depicted this sin in one way or the other.

And it is one that if given the chance, it will keep on growing. This should not be underrated as its intensity would not be seen unless we look at people in power in various government bodies and organizations worldwide where it can be seen.
That a single individual would decide to loot funds meant to better the lives of the masses simply because he is in a position to do so. This is wrong and terrible when we look at it. But if we are to be honest with ourselves,


The bible makes us understand how atrocious this vice is.
Luke 12:15
Then he said unto them, “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.”

This verse is clear and hits the nail on the head. It warns of all forms of greed! This is to show that we should look carefully and check ourselves for any part of our life for the sign of this sin and pray that the Lord grants us the grace to overcome such vice.


We, as members of the #steemchurch, should in endeavor to, in every way, cleanse ourselves of this sin. We should ensure that we are a forerunner in the fight against this.

So in conclusion, I wish to, like always, advise us against this vice and hope that we all overcome whatever vice we are facing in life.

A necessary and heartful thanks to @sirknight for this opportunity and the apostles of the upright #steemchurch.
Thanks and God bless.


Thanks for this fine series you started the other time. We look forward to see more awesome posts on the series.

Upvoted & Resteemed

Thanks for sharing. We live in a greedy world where many only care about themselves. It is quite refreshing to find a few that thinks about others too. If everyone in the world was greedy, it will have been a really tough world.

Greed is the major problem of democracy in many countries today. God bless you

Wounderful post .... thanks for sharing

I'm happy that you've continued your series, biblically we have seen people who have suffered plenteous consequences as a result of their greed, an example is Gehazi, the servant of Elijah, due to his greed he inherited a curse of leprosy on his generation.
As Christians we must fight greed and always show contentment with whatever we have

I remember the first was pride, now greed which is a vice of insatiable desires! It is not good to have the desire to acquire everything, without thinking about others, looking towards the continuation of the vices!

"Greed is a sickness to me, cause no matter how much you have you will never be satisfied, you will always be longing for more and worried someone might steal from you and never have peace of mind even if you think you are living life. Greed can push you to do terrible things in order to get your hands on what you desire. Now this vice, if there is an order, can only be ranked second to pride".
Very true. Greed corrupts the soul.

Greed is a very bad thing and it's of the devil. The end point could be disastrous. Believer should guide against every form of greed if you seek to make heaven

Greed is the mother of all sins from greed envy sets in and so on,once we deal with greed we will would have almost cut our sin by half.

Greed can go a long way to harming the heart of man. If one can be selfless and giving, the Lord will reward thy vessel handsomely, but the world we live in today is kinda like every man for himself.. I pray we don't get misguided

Nice post @xinese

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