in #steemchurch6 years ago



The word blessing comes from the Latin verb bene-dicere, to say good (in Greek: eu-Iogo). These words correspond to the best Hebrew terms barak, bless, and beraká, blessing.

This root brk has no relation with the word bless, but with the term knee (bérek), which is a euphemism or term tabu to designate the sexual, and, therefore, fertility.

To bless is first of all to ensure fertility, success; hence the meaning of baraka. (in Arabic): the favor of God.

Some also think about the kneeling of the blessed man who gives thanks to God. And it is the best


In the Bible, blessing is said in two senses: first, God blesses man by giving him life, fertility, success.

Then, in turn, man blesses God for the graces of his gifts, thanks him.

Blessing is the word that the creator God directs to all living beings to give them the ability to reproduce: "God blessed them saying: Grow, multiply and fill the waters of the sea; and that also the birds multiply in the earth Gn 1,22. And on the sixth day, after the creation of man and woman, God blessed you, saying: Grow and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it Gn 1,28. In the same way, after the flood, during the new creation, God blessed Noah and his children saying: "Grow, multiply and fill the earth" Gn 9,1


The first man to receive the blessing is Abraham


God says to him: I will make of you a great people, I will bless you and I will make your name famous. For you all the nations of the earth will be blessed Gen 12,2-3, and this blessing is still in their descendants Gn 22,18. Since then, the divine blessing penetrates the history of men and is transmitted from generation to generation of the children of God, so those who live by faith receive the blessing together with Abraham, the believer Gál 3,9


Christ has freed us from this curse by taking it upon himself

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