Rise up and work

in #steemchurch6 years ago

Many people today have erroneous views about work while some see burden that disrupts their play and fun. some believe that the primary purpose Work is to make money; hence, they work lust because of monetary benefits or cut corners to make money while avoiding work altogether. Some “Christians” . view it as a curse or part of the curse of living in a fallen a world. They make a distinction between spiritual and secular work, saying it is a waste 0f time to do any secular work because "it doesn't have eternal value." But, they are all mistaken.
Work is an integral part of human existence. God created humanity to work. He made that clear from the beginning of creation when He placed Adam, the first man, in the Garden of Eden to “dress it and to keep it" (Genesis 2:1 5). This means He desires that man should work rather than live an idle life. He made Adam to dress and till the Garden even when he was in the state of perfection and innocence, negating the view that work is a result of the fall.
So, do not see work as a punishment, curse, or something you need to do just because of monetary benefits. God instituted it for the happiness of man; for even in the state of innocence, man couldn't have been happy if inactive. God gave him work to do, and his employment contributed to his happiness; for the structure of his body, as well as his mind, plainly proves that he was never intended for a mere contemplative life.
God wants everyone to work. He wants you to have a legitimate and gainful employment so that you can earn a living, have a feeling of accomplishment, and contribute to the well-being of others. He detests laziness and idleness. In fact, He rewards hard work with blessings and idleness with curses.

He says, through the apostle Paul, “If any would not work, neither should he eat" (2 Thessalonians 3:10).

Rise up and work! Prayerfully look for a legitimate, honest, and God-honouring work to do (Ephesians 4:28),

and be diligent in your work. Do not despise small opportunities though, for your small business today can become a conglomerate tomorrow (Job 8:7).

Avoid laziness and idleness, and do not make your work an idol.

Remember, legitimate, honest, and productive work has great gains, for

“In all labour there is profit" (Proverbs 1 4:23).



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