SteemChurch - The church in the Body of Christ. (Meaning)

in #steemchurch6 years ago

The church in the Body of Christ. (Meaning)

  • Your question: What does it mean that the church is the body of Christ?

A living and healthy human body has a head, and all parts of the body have a purpose and each one performs different tasks. But all submit to the head. It is impossible for a headless body to work. Paul uses this comparison to explain what the church is in Ephesians 5: 23-24. Jesus Christ is compared to the head - the part of the body to which the rest of the body submits. We as Christians are members of the church, believers are compared to the body.

So Christ is the head of the church that we have to listen to and obey. When we respond to his commands and commandments, we will accomplish the jobs or tasks He has commanded us to do.

The head is also an image of the source of life, as we see it in Colossians 2:19: the head, from whom the whole body ... grows with the growth that is of God. Therefore, when Christ is called the head of the church, it means that our life and the food for our life comes from Him.

But the body is important too. Paul points out that when the church is functioning at its best, each member of the church, each Christian has been given gifts and skills and work to be done, so that the church, as a human body, will function effectively and efficiently. . It also explains that each member of the church is vital to the functioning and training of a healthy church.

A body does not say to the hand, feet or legs that are not needed, because I only want to hear, see and smell. Nor does it say that the eye or the ear is not needed; 'I do not need them because I just want to walk and do things with my hands.' So no part of the body is irrelevant or useless. (1 Corinthians 12: 12-20)

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When a part of the human body is suffering, or has some problem or injury or injury, the entire body is affected. Have you ever broken a leg or an arm, or hit your thumb with a hammer? Have you ever been sick? Did you affect the whole of your body and the whole of your life? I'm sure yes! Of course, when you break a leg or an arm, or you are sick in some other way, it often hurts and all you can think about is pain, and you have to find different ways to move or perform all the tasks that you should do.

You will be kind to your arm or leg if it is broken, and you want to protect it against more pain or injury. This is exactly what happens with the church, if a member of the church is suffering, the whole church will suffer too much and we have to help, protect or take measures to achieve healing so that the church does not stop, and do not lose any of the vital tasks of the body.

The body is made up of many parts. In the same way the church works. We have the responsibility of every member of the church, just as we have a responsibility with our bodies to take care of him and keep him as healthy as possible.

the Church

When you hear the word "church" you probably think of the building where you worship God.

You think about its construction, its pulpit, its benches and its platform for the choir. But this is only a building; it is not "church" of which God speaks in His Word.

The word "church," as used in the New Testament, means "an assembly of calls." It refers to PEOPLE, not to a building. He speaks of believers, whom God has redeemed.

But the Church is more than just a large number of redeemed people. The Bible says that the Church is "the Body of Christ." God has not only called Adam's sinful gender a people for His Name, but has united it into a spiritual body: the Body of Christ. Speaking of believers, the Bible says:

You, then, are the body of Christ, and members are each in particular (1 Corinthians 12:27).

Because we are members of your body, your flesh and your bones. Great is this mystery; but I say this about Christ and the church (Ephesians 5:30, 32).

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Christ is the Head of the Body.

A body must have a head, and Christ is the Head of the Church, which is His body. Speaking of Christ, the Bible says:

(God) put all things under his feet, and gave him as head over all things to the church, which is his body ... (Ephesians 1: 22-23).

God's purpose of calling a people of the sinful offspring of Adam and uniting him into a spiritual body was not revealed to the Old Testament prophets. But in the Gospels we find that the Lord Jesus Christ prayed for His Church before it existed.

In his prayer recounted in John, chapter 17, the Lord Jesus prayed not only for the disciples who were with Him at that time, but also for all those who would believe in Him in the future. He said:

But I pray not only for these, but also for those who will believe in me ... (John 17:20).

When was the Church born? The Church began to exist on the day of Pentecost. The Church had been in the mind of God from eternity, but it was formed on the day of Pentecost.

When was the Church born? The Church began to exist on the day of Pentecost. The Church had been in the mind of God from eternity, but it was formed on the day of Pentecost.

The word "pente" means "fifty", and the day of Pentecost came exactly 50 days after the resurrection of the Lord Jesus.

Before going back to heaven, the Lord Jesus commanded His disciples to go all over the world and preach the gospel to every creature. But he also told them to wait for the coming of the Holy Spirit

On the day of Pentecost, 120 disciples were gathered in a high room in Jerusalem awaiting the coming of the Holy Spirit. Suddenly there was a noise like a strong wind blowing. He filled the house where they were sitting. Tongues of fire settled on each of the disciples, who were filled with the Holy Spirit.

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It is wonderful to know that the members of the body of Christ are the physical representation of Christ in this world. The church is the organism by which Christ manifests His life to the world today.



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