SteemChurch - Jesus is the way, the truth and the life

in #steemchurch6 years ago

Jesus is the way, the truth and the life

We have already mentioned in previous post that I have realized that we can only approach God through Jesus. Let's analyze now, in more detail, what this fact means for us. Jesus is "the way" in the sense that only through him is it possible to get to enjoy the approval of God. For what reason? Jesus remained faithful until death, thus giving his life as a sacrifice. If it were not for the ransom, we could never approach God.

Sin creates a barrier between Jehovah and human beings, since he is holy and can not approve sin, but Jesus' sacrifice eliminated that barrier: it provided the atonement for sin that was needed. When we accept the door that God has arranged through Christ and we place faith in him, we obtain the favor of Jehovah. There is no other way to become "reconciled to God" (Romans 5: 6-11).


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It is appropriate that, in the name of Jesus, we pray to Jehovah and call him "our Father" (Matthew 6: 9). Now, Jesus is also "the way" in the sense that he is our example to follow. As we have already seen, he imitated his Father perfectly. Therefore, his example shows us how we have to live in order to please Jehovah. So in order to get closer to Jehovah, we have to follow the footsteps of Christ.

When he declared the prophetic word of his Father, Jesus was always faithful to the truth. There was never cheating in his mouth. Even his enemies recognized that he taught "the way of God according to the truth". However, the statement "I am the truth" did not refer only to the fact that Christ made the truth known by speaking, preaching and teaching. There was much more involved.

Let us remember that, centuries before, Jehovah had inspired the writers of the Bible to include in it a multitude of prophecies about the Messiah, or Christ, in which many details about his life, ministry and death were given. In addition, the Law of Moses contained 'shadows', that is, prophetic models in which the Messiah was prefigured. Would Jesus fulfill all the prophecies about him? For that, he would have to be faithful until death. Only in this way would it be proven that Jehovah is the God who pronounces authentic prophecies.

What a great weight Jesus carried on his shoulders! By his way of living itself, by each of his words and actions, Jesus proved that those prophetic models were totally true (2 Corinthians 1:20). Therefore, Jesus was "the truth" in person. It was as if Jehovah's prophetic word had come true through him (John 1:17).

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Jesus is also "the life", because only through him can we receive "the life of truth". The Scriptures state: "He who exercises faith in the Son has eternal life; he who disobeys the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him. " What does it mean to exercise faith in the Son of God? First, be convinced that without it we can not get life. And then, demonstrate faith with works, continue to learn from him and do everything possible to follow his teaching and example. Therefore, exercising faith in the Son of God brings us to eternal life, in heaven in the case of the anointed Christians of the "little flock", or in a terrestrial paradise, in the case of the "great crowd" of " other sheep. "

In what sense will Jesus be "the life" even for the dead? What certainty can we have? Shortly before lifting his friend Lazarus from the grave, Jesus said the following to Martha, the deceased's sister: "I am the resurrection and the life. He who exercises faith in me, even if he dies, will come to live. " Jehovah has entrusted the Son with "the keys of death and Hades," which gives him the faculty to raise the dead; using these keys, Jesus glorified will open the doors of Hades and free everyone from captivity.

"Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life" With this simple statement, he summarized the purpose of his life and ministry on earth. These words have a great meaning for us. Remember that he added: "No one comes to the Father except through me" (John 14: 6). Actually, his words are as valid today as when he uttered them. Therefore, we can have the absolute certainty that if we follow Jesus, we will never be lost. He, and only he, will show us the way to reach "the Father".

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