in #steemchurch5 years ago


Right from the beginning of time, God has always valued relationship(s), thus the scripture records in Gen. 2:18 that "that it is not good for man to be alone, hence he made to man a help meet for him". Note that in spite making Eve, he still visited to have fellowship with man. Hence, it was on such visits, as recorded in Genesis 3:8 to have fellowship that he got to know that man had derailed from His instruction/command. "Then the man and his wife heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the breeze of the day, and they hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God among the trees of the garden." Am sure that you must have known about this, if it be so, then it makes it easy to proceed with the aim of this article.

Be aware-1353780_1280.jpg source

However, before going into it, I must observe here and perhaps draw your attention to the fact that God created the earth with just the spoken words. He didn't need a construction firm but just his words backed with faith. More so, when he formed man out of the dust of the ground, he still had to speak (breathe) his spirit into him and man became a living being. Note that immediately man became a living soul, God still spoke (use words), when giving him manual and instructions. Selah.

What I am trying to emphasis in the preamble is the need of God's presence in a life of a man, a Christian to be specific. It is in view of this that the Bible records in John Gospel that "In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God". This implies that right from Genesis till Revelation and today, the word of God is very important. Hence, I could now state here that "the worst thing that could happen to a man, an animal, insect or anything, is to be detached from its main source" Now let's catch this Rhemah together. Imagine what would happen to a fish that is removed from its habitat (water), it could survive no doubt, but it would be temporal before it dies off because it's detached from the source. How about the pupa and lava of mosquito that breeds in water, if oil is applied on the water where it breeds; it will sure hinder the flow of oxygen in the breathing trumpets which the mosquito lava depends on for survival.

If the above imagery did not capture the message, then I guess these should do. Now imagine that you had a phone and the battery was just 1% left which would last you for about 10 mins before it shuts down completely, the your stars just shines as there's power supply, "just in time!", I guess you would say. Thus, you plug the phone to a power source to charge and just dose off, then you wake at about 3 hours later to notice that there light is still on, then of a sudden, when you choose to go check the phone if its fully charged, you realize that it’s still 1%. And as you’re wondering what could be the problem, then there is interruption in power supply. How would you feel? Selah

The above simply explains that our relationship ensures, as well as secures this connection to the main source (God). Now reflect on this too, do you know that there’s a part(s) in a plant or human being that you remove or destroy yet the plant still survives. However there’s just one part which if you cut off or destroy, then the plant or man is gone, yes I mean (dead). That shows the role of Gods' presence in a man’s life. Believe me you need Him in your life more than you need money, steem bit coin, car, gadgets house or whatsoever. If only you have Him, then you have everything because "The earth is the Lord and the fullness thereof.

So I beckon on you therefore to please return and get connected to the main source (God).

Stay connected and you would not regret you did.

I love y'all.

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