in #steemchurch6 years ago

Our lives do not belong to us anymore, as children of God because we have been bought with a great price. It is essential to acknowledge and not forget that we have and live just one life, and this is the life of the spirit. This leads us to the truth that you are a spiritual man living a spiritual life, emotional life, psychological life and religious life. Daniel in the bible was a prophet and also a diligent king official in Babylon. He lived a balanced life excelling in his career(governance) and at the same time fulfilling his ministry.
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A balanced christian life is the ability of a christian to give proper importance and balance to every part of life leaving distinctively to success being achieved with no part lacking attention. Living balanced encompasses every part of our lives which together makes up our spiritual man and since we are spiritual men, we are to be led and directed by God and His word alone which is the only way to a balanced Christian life.


1.) Seeking After the Knowledge Of God And His Words:
A spiritual man's life depends on God (being his head) and his words (what He says). We must acknowledge God always as the one who knows all things, and has direction of how we ought to live our lives in order to succeed, for He knows us before conception.(psalm 139:16). To seek means to search and to find, to make inquiries about something or someone. In seeking after God and His words we will have to give quality time to it and not just talking or thinking about seeking him with no action.
Note that in seeking God, faith is essential and must be possessed by a christian (Hebrews 11:6).
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Ways through which we seek God are;

a) Prayer
Prayer is a communication between God and man. By seeking God in prayer, we get to hear Him speak to us and we get to know what His words are for our academics, health, finance etc. Have a place and time of prayer. We are expected to pray without ceasing.

1 Thessalonians 5:17 

Pray without ceasing.
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b) Studying Of The Word Of God
God's word is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path, with this we can say that with God's word we cannot go wrong. The word of God is full of God's promises and instructions we have to apply to our lives in order for every part of it to function well. To seek the word, have a place of studying (studying here entails reading, praying for revelation and understanding and meditation on the word.

Psalm 119:99: I have more understanding than all my teachers: for thy testimonies are my meditation. 105: Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. 130: The entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple.
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2.) Applying Wisdom To Every Part Of Our Lives
To achieve good success in all parts of of our lives through living balanced does not stop at just knowing the word of God but it moves further into applying wisdom. Wisdom is the application of knowledge, knowledge here represents the word of God we have come to know and believe. The word of God that we have come to believe and apply is the only part that will work out the blessings we need in our lives and so the place of wisdom cannot be over emphasized.

James 1:22: But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. 25:But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed.
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These are different reasons why christians find it difficult to live a balanced life;

i. Fear

ii. Worries

iii. Ill heath

iv. Lack of time management

v. Indiscipline.

In conclusion, living a balance chiristian life is sacrosant and essential for us to grow in every ramification as Christians. To be continued



Good to hear from you vikebun, Thanks for sharing with Us!



Carrying on with a healthy lifestyle is basic and can be identified with eating adjusted eating routine, the way it is important to eat adjusted eating routine so additionally it is vital for a christian to carry on with a healthy lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle causes you strike balance between your otherworldly life and each different exercises, for example, scholastics, marriage, work and so on.

Living a balanced life is essential and can be related to eating balanced diet, the way it is necessary to eat balanced diet so also it is necessary for a christian to live a balanced life. A balanced life helps you strike equilibrium between your spiritual life and every other activities such as academics, marriage, work etc. It is necessary to strike a balance in between all of these so that one will not suffer at the expense of doing well at the other. You do not neglect your spiritual life because of your job or because of academics, so Aldo you do not neglect your job or academics because of your spiritual life. There must be a balance.

Prayer is a component of a Christian life that we can not do without, to live a balanced life, the bible says we must pray without ceasing, a prayerful Christian is a Christian who is cooked in the Lord and untouchable by the devil, that's why we must take heed and pray so as to be rooted and soaked in the things of God

A balanced Christian life must have all the characteristics of Jesus when He was on earth. The fruits of the Spirit must not be lacking

With guide from the holy spirit and reading the scripture we'll be able to overcome those fear, worries and indiscipline that makes us live an unbalanced Christian life.

Thanks for sharing

the bible says we must pray without ceasing, a prayerful Christian is a Christian who is cooked in the Lord and untouchable by the devil, that's why we must take heed and pray so as to be rooted and soaked in the things of God.
God's word is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path, with this we can say that with God's word we cannot go wrong.

It is essential to acknowledge and not forget that we have and live just one life, and this is the life of the spirit. This leads us to the truth that you are a spiritual man living a spiritual life, emotional life, psychological life and religious life. A balanced christian life is the ability of a christian to give proper importance and balance to every part of life leaving distinctively to success being achieved with no part lacking attention. Living balanced encompasses every part of our lives which together makes up our spiritual man and since we are spiritual men, we are to be led and directed by God and His word alone which is the only way to a balanced Christian life.
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God's word is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path, with this we can say that with God's word we cannot go wrong. The word of God is full of God's promises and instructions we have to apply to our lives in order for every part of it to function well. To seek the word, have a place of studying (studying here entails reading, praying for revelation and understanding and meditation on the word. Thanks for sharing

The life of Jesus revealed a number practical ways to pursue balance in the Christian life. Everything the Father expected of Jesus He completed. Everything. Look at His words: Jesus’ opportunities were immense. The needs He faced demanded attention. Legitimate needs. Desperate needs. More urgent needs than any of us will ever face. And yet, Jesus walked away from many of them. If jesus can balance his life while he was here on earth, then we can do same.

As a Christian moderation is very important, the Bible says "Let your moderation b be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand." Philippians 4:5

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