Steemchurch:Self-centeredness the number one enemy of the couple in Christ

Self-centeredness the number one enemy of the couple

"Let no one seek his own good but that of the other" (1 Corinthians 10:24)

Love is not selfish
1 Corinthians 13: 5

If anyone wants to come after me, deny yourself, and take up your cross, and follow me (Mark 8.34).

My beloved, this is a topic that I wanted to present for a few months, but I had not had the opportunity to summarize a study until today, I hope this study will be a blessing.
Always thinking about oneself ensures a miserable life. I consider it a challenge to stop thinking about myself, but the more I obey the Lord in this area, the happier I am. I think we all have the habit of trying to take care of ourselves. We want to make plans to make sure we have everything we need.

Obviously, no one can live without thinking a little about himself or without making plans, but when we begin to have an egocentric mind, we are no longer in God's will.
In what this affects our partner? in a lot, because our behavior may alienate everyone from our side, especially our husband.
It is very difficult to try to live with an egocentric person. the egocentric person just wants to do things his way, and for his own benefit. Do not think of others It is basically selfish. He is only interested in his own well-being and comfort, he is the kind of person who says ... me first and then me. It is a person who does not know how to give and does not know how to give generously. He is a person who does not know how to share. He is totally selfish. In terms of the Bible, loving is more than a feeling it is the decision to seek the greatest good and happiness of a loved one. The opposite of LOVING is SELFISHNESS (IN BIBLICAL TERMS) An egocentric person could never do this. She is conditioned to think only of herself and never of others, not even of her own partner and children. That person can sacrifice her family to be her. She will not hesitate to abandon her husband and family to satisfy some desire or passion with another person.
We live in a society that promotes egocentricity, but this is not what the Word of God advises us.
How to live with a self-centered person?

We all struggle with our selfishness. Nevertheless,
We can be reasonable usually, and by mutual agreement
it is possible to obtain a solution; but not with someone who
Be extremely egocentric (narcissistic).
Characteristics of a self-centered person
He (or she) has unreal expectations about others; Y
he manipulates others to satisfy all his
needs; for any reason he is upset; this person
can be abusive verbally, and in some cases
physically; blames others for their feelings,
but he has a total lack of epatia with others; Fault to
the others chronically, for their problems and errors;
may suffer sudden mood swings; creates
his own version of events occurred to evade his
responsibility; shows a personality in public and
another, totally different, in private; disparage
opinions of others; he himself calls himself
the only authority; controls others; feel like you have
right to be treated totally different from others; do not
cooperate; acts as a superior being and craves worship
Biblical understanding of the self-centered person.

The self-centered person has accepted the same offer as
Satan did to Eve; to be like God (Gen. 3: 5). Well
when a believer separates God from the center of his life, and
takes the place of God, is controlled by the flesh, (Gal.
5: 19-21), and not by the Holy Spirit (Gal 5:22, 23). He
He does not have God as the center in his life,
then he is the one who reigns in his life.
Inconverse Believer

How to respond to a self-centered person

  1. Affirm what your true identity is in Christ and not
    accept what the egocentric person says about
    who you are. (Gal 2:20).

  2. Reaffirm in your mind, often who you are in
    Christ: I am deeply loved (Romans 5: 8),
    accepted (Romans 15: 7), righteous (2 Cor. 5:17), adopted
    (Eph 1: 5), chosen (Eph 1: 4), sealed (Eph 1:13),
    protected (Philippians 4: 7), blessed (Eph 1: 3) forgiven
    (Ro 8: 1)

  3. Remember that the self-centered person can not alter
    or change your identity, because in your new birth
    spiritual you received your identity from Christ. He
    egocentric is not who defines who you are, but God!
    (1 Co. 1: 2) The egocentric's goal is to devalue your
    identity in Christ. However, whatever they are
    his tactics, the self-centered person is responsible for
    his words (Mt. 12: 35-37)

  4. Recognizes that verbal attacks, criticism and
    degrading comments towards you come, really,
    of Satan and the instrument is the self-centered person.
    Satan used Peter as a means to divert
    Jesus of his purpose to die on the cross (Matthew 18:23).

  5. Give your life daily to the Lord. Jesus gave
    his life frequently to his heavenly Father. (I Pet. 2: 23).

  6. Understand that God knows the reasons why the
    egocentric could be trying to distort your
    thoughts or those of others. (I P. 2:23).

  7. Respond with confidence, trust in Christ and
    controlled by the Holy Spirit. (He 10:35, Is.
    30: 15b). Never defend the flesh; not worth it.

  8. Remember that there will be times you will lose in the
    moment, but you will gain in eternity, giving a
    Holy answer (2 Cor. 4: 7). The self-centered perhaps
    "Win" at the moment, but you will lose in eternity,
    he will even lose his rewards (2 Cor. 5:10), or
    he will suffer eternal destruction as unconverted. (Ap.
    20: 11-15).

  9. Identify and assume what corresponds to your circle of
    responsibility (Ro 12:18). The self-centered person
    will evade your responsibility in an attempt to make you
    responsible for everything. Assume only the
    responsibility that belongs to you, do not assume the
    responsibility of others.

  10. Take care of your mental, physical and spiritual health, to any
    cost. (1 Thessalonians 5:23; 2 Pet 3:18; 1 Timothy 6: 6).

  11. Avoid falling into traps for you to act like him (or
    she), because that way the egocentric person will have
    reasons to say "look who's talking", "You
    Do not you say you're a Christian? "Or you'll think you fell in your
    networks (2 Co. 2:11; 1P 3: 9).

  12. Develop a response plan to reflect a
    holy character, because in this way you will not respond
    with sinful patterns, just as the person does
    egocentric (1 Pet. 3: 9).

  13. Do not mix your emotions with those of the egocentric;
    separate them, because in this way you will avoid him or her
    make your emotions move like a carousel when he
    have sudden mood swings Also, no
    you need your cooperation to maintain your integrity
    spiritual, because you are controlled by the Spirit
    Holy, not because of the attitude of the egomaniac. (Gal 5:22, 23)

  14. Maintain a firm attitude; respectful, despite the
    egocentric goal, which is: make you a
    incompetent and without self-control (Isaiah 30:15).

  15. Avoid verbal darts and critical attacks
    thrown against you, just as King David did
    when King Saul tried to assassinate him (1 Sam. 19:10).
    As? When the egocentric throws the darts
    go away and these will hit the wall, when you
    you reaffirm "This he says is not about me,
    it is about him "(Phil 1:27, 28)

  16. Allows the self-centered person to suffer
    consequences for their actions. In this way,
    will show him that you try to be taken into account
    seriously (Gal 6: 7). When we do not obey the
    Word of God, we have consequences. The book of
    Judges illustrates this pattern.

  17. Keep respect. The self-centered person craves
    adoration and control God says that at least
    We must remain respectful. You can say
    "No" respectfully, and avoid falling into games
    hurtful or allow to be manipulated (Ephesians 5:33;
    23: 1-5; 1 Pet. 2:17).

  18. Do not abandon your biblical convictions for nothing,
    the egocentric will do his best to twist the Scriptures
    to control you (1 Peter 1:13, 1 Timothy 4:16, 2 Tim 1:13).

  19. Accept the fact that you will not get approval from
    the self-centered person, because he knows very little about
    which is to value someone else. You are totally
    safe in Christ.

  20. Accept the truth that the self-centered person will be
    insensitive (Phil 2:21). No plea that you make
    he will change his behavior. Receive the comfort that
    it comes from God (2 Cor. 1: 4) and from other believers
    (Gal 6: 2) Only God can change this person
    (John 16: 8)

  21. Establish reasonable limits with consequences
    appropriate. Build a fence around the lake
    that has value. Remember that you are someone of value in
    Christ (Mt 6:26). Do not let the egocentric violate
    your space or move away from it. If you do not value yourself as
    Christ does it, you will not have the ability to establish
    appropriate limits.

  22. Grant forgiveness as a practice, and in this way
    you will prevent bitterness from taking over your spirit (Eph.
    4:32). Forgiveness is what you grant. Trust is
    what he must earn (Prov 18:19).

  23. Understand that you have alternatives; not these
    caught. Biblically, you can decide to stay
    in that situation without any change (1 Cor. 7:10) or
    you can separate and stay single, or you separate and
    then you are reconciled (1 Cor. 7:11). It is possible that there are
    other alternatives, but these three are clear.

  24. Pray for these self-centered people (Matt 5:44) for
    that God breaks his denial, arrogance and
    roots of anger, and that comes close to God. Without a change
    In the heart all changes are temporary.
    Unfortunately, no relationship means a lot
    for a self-centered person; neither the events
    tragic You can see this in Pharaoh's life in
    Egypt (Exodus 4:14)
    On the other hand, God warns us that one of the
    characteristics of humans in recent times is
    that they will be lovers of themselves (2 Tim 3: 2). Your task is
    keep yourself in holiness with your answers, establish
    healthy limits and forgive regularly. Nothing will change,
    but your heart and your spirit will grow through your
    Holy answers and this pleases God (1 Pet. 2: 201 Fr. 2:20
    Spanish: Reina Valera Bible - 1995 revision - RVR95
    20 For what merit is it to bear to be buffeted if you have sinned? But if by doing what is good you suffer, and you endure it, this is certainly approved before God.

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