steemchurch: Love produces growth

Love produces growth

Husbands, love your women, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself for it, to sanctify it.
Ephesians 5: 25-26

The marriage was designed to help us mature. The wife can be an instrument of God to help transform the young man with whom he married into a man. A strong man will help mature and polish his wife with his positive influence and his loving interaction with her. Good friends and mentors sharpen you when you are with them.

Part of the purpose of marriage is to help each other to refine and strengthen us. Your spouse has a seat in the front row to see your rough edges that do not look like Christ. When you uncover a flaw or weakness of your character, your first reaction should be to listen and learn. You should receive his words as a celestial sandpaper that polishes you to have an image more similar to that of Christ.
Your spouse is in front of you like a mirror; reflects and exposes your true identity. You have a unique position to reveal areas of your life where correction is needed. Allow God to use you to make you more like Jesus, as He works through you to make the other grow. The mutual company should make them more and more like Christ.

Read Ephesians 5: 25-26 and Romans 8: 28-29. In what ways does the Scripture explain that we can help our spouse become more like Christ?


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