Ana an incessant search for fullness in God

The Sterility of Anne and the Church

Ira de Samuel
Ch.1: 1-2
"There was a man from Ramataim of Zophim, from the hill-country of Ephraim, whose name was Elkanah the son of Jeroham, the son of Eliu, the son of Tohu, the son of Zuph, the Ephraimite: and he had the two wives, the name of a Hannah, and that of the other, Penina, and Penina had children, but Ana did not have them. "

The sterile woman at that time was repudiated because it was considered dishonorable. And having a male child was one of the few ways that she could obtain a social position or advantage in the Israelite culture. So imagine how Ana was, without to be able to have children and, for greater trouble, her husband with another woman there in her house that was allowed in those times and that woman made fun of her. It was not an easy situation for Ana.
But there is something important in all this:

Ana means "She who favors", is merciful, compassionate or that with Thanks and Compassion. I mean that Ana means "FAVORED OF GOD".

God wants you to understand that his FAVOR is with you, you are God's creation made in his image and likeness, you are not anything, God created you to multiply "No more sterility" tells you THE LORD this is the time where He wants that you understand who you are

Ana could not stay in that state of infertility, to be able to be "fertile" there had to be a break in her and be able to move to a New Dimension.

1.- I had to die:
It sounds very hard but it is like that, Ana had to die to the "I", to die to her pride, to die to the "I" can not. To go to another dimension you have to go through a process of IMPOTENCE, a process that will take you to a new experience with God. Ana had to feel helpless of not being able to do anything, there are women who have not been able to have children in the natural and they have not had it in the spiritual but this is the time where THE STERILITY ends and the FERTILITY arrives.

In the natural the symptoms of a pregnant woman in its first months are not at all pleasant, there is vomiting, dizziness, disorders in your body etc.

And in the spiritual is not anything pleasant either because you have to die, you have to go through a process, you have to wait, you have to stay in faith, you have to pay the price. You have to stay firm even if there is a Penina that torments you. God allowed there to be a Penina in Ana's life.
What is your Penina, what is the situation you are going through?
It can be a situation with your children
It can be a situation with your boss
It can be a situation with your husband
It can be a situation in the Ministry
The situation with Penina did not let see Ana.

He says the word in verse 5: "But he gave a chosen part to Hannah, because he loved Hannah, although Jehovah had not allowed him to have children."

Suddenly your situation does not let you see The Favor of God in your life, the things that God is giving you, because you are submerged (or) in one thing. Ana just wanted to be Fertile was the most important thing for her. But to be able to see the miracle you have to understand that you are Favored (or) of God. You have to understand that what you are going through has a great purpose in your life and in your ministry.

The situations that I have personally experienced, even when I did not understand it and focused only on that, I thought that fixing the problem was the solution, God taught me that I had to die first, there had to be a break in me.

Ana died to many things first, to later understand that she could not stay there. When you dare to see God instead of the problem you get the miracle, not only with Faith but Acting. God is telling you today GO FORTH because the best is yet to come, You will give Light something Great. You need to have faith but, Faith without works is dead, the word Work means: Work, Action, Facts, Labor.

Ana did not eat because she had stayed in one thing, seeing her problem, that for God it was not a problem, and God had the solution but she had to understand it. Understand that what you are going through is not a problem, it is only the solution to the problem. It sounds contradictory but that's the way. When the situation is more oppressive, God already has the solution. Believe it.

But something happened in verse 8, which made Ana Verse 8 change: "And Elkanah his husband said to her," Anna, why are you crying? Why do not you eat? Why is your heart so distressed? better than ten children? "
The Great I Am tells you today
I am not I greater than that problem that you have
I am not I greater than that disease
I'm not I Major that that scares
I'm not Yo Mayor that your children
I Am the Great I AM the one who can do everything, the one who takes sterility from you today.

God wants you not to see the situation that you are going through, but if you see Him, Ana understood it when her husband spoke to her with Authority, she says the word she ate.
You may have been like Ana without wanting to eat, not wanting to pray, not wanting to do anything, but God tells you I AM GREATER than the problem you may have, look at me I am your God, just as I was with you yesterday so I am with you today.

The revealed word made her react, made her think. I can not stay like this. I have to get out of this. My husband is right. We need someone to speak to us with authority, not conmissing us all the time. After this and Ana did not become sad or angry anymore because he had understood his priority, his priority was not the problem, his priority was the Great I Am, He who can do everything.

There are women that her husband speaks to her at a certain moment and there they are worse they begin to commiserate and they get into a cave where they do not want to leave. Get out of there the LORD says to be fertile you need to change, you need to understand what Ana understood It was not her husband who spoke to her so it was the same God saying "I'm not you I'm the biggest" It's me I'm going to make you fertile. If Ana had reacted naturally by getting angry with her husband, she would have run out of children.

Sometimes we are asking Justice to God suddenly for what your boss said to you in an energetic way, or what your husband or one of your children told you. But God is going to do justice when you are in Justice. 1- We can not ask God for Justice if instead of praying for the boss, we are telling the whole office what he said and made you feel bad. Then you are not acting in justice. 2- We can not ask God for His Grace if instead of praying for your spouse you are telling the whole family how bad I treat you. 3- We can not ask for justice from God if we ourselves do not walk in Justice.

The word of God says "Seek the Kingdom of God and His Justice" and all things will be added. But Christians mostly have a problem we first look for additions thinking that we deserve them for our good works. When we look for the Kingdom of God it means "Obedience" not partial, if not total, whatever is happening around you.

Seek the Kingdom of God, it is not only to come to the Church that is part, you can come every day of the Year but if you do not obey you have not done anything. Do you believe that God had given you Revelation? Would I have obtained the Miracle? Of course not!

The word says in Proverbs 15: 1 "The soft response takes away the wrath, but the harsh word raises the fury."
You know that it is not easy to act on the word that answering with wisdom you get the miracle, But let's understand what the Bible says: "The soft word takes away the anger" Ana understood that although her husband spoke to her loudly, she was telling the truth and that made her react. Apart from this let's see verse 14 says: "Then Eli said to her," How long will you be drunk? "" Digest your wine. "

You have to understand that all things help us to be good, that instead of commiserating you have to get up and believe in what God has told you. Verse 15: "And Hannah answered and said, No, my Lord, I am a troubled woman, in spirit, I have not drunk or strong drink, but I have poured out my soul before the LORD, do not have your servant for a wicked woman because for the magnitude of my anguish and my affliction I have spoken until now. " Here Ana gave her best answer, and that response made him bless her and said: "Go in Peace and the God of Israel grant you the Petition that you have given her. Your Blessing depends on your attitude towards the problem.

She needed a son and she understood that she could not stay as she was, she had to die to live and thus see the results.


After dying there must be a break in you. Penina's words, harassment, feeling powerless made her die.
The Authority of her husband made her react but at the same time Awaken and received the Revelation. In order for you to see the miracle in your life, there has to be a break but you (or) have to provoke it.

There is a Breakthrough that has to occur:

1- You are breaking your being
2- Vas Breaking your doubts
3- You Are Breaking the Lack of Forgiveness
4- You are breaking your limitations
5- You are breaking your insecurities
6- You Are Breaking The Disease
7- You Are Breaking Your Fears
8- You're Breaking Your Emotions
9- You're Breaking Your Paradigms
10- You Are Breaking Religiousness And the Light that must shine in you always and shine, when there is a radiance of God there is no darkness that can reach.

Because one came, who came to defeat, who crushed the Devil's head. There came one who has the keys of death and Hell and who has given you Authority. Verse 19: "And they arose early in the morning, and worshiped before Jehovah, and returned, and went to their house in Ramah: and Elkanah came to Hannah his wife, and Jehovah remembered her."

Jehovah today remembered you, Today there is Fertility. God has laid eyes on you, You will no longer be sterile "The Lord says to you" There is a God sitting on his throne of Glory and he has control of all your circumstances. Today begins to have a New Birth in you what you did not have comes "THE LORD SAYS".



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