SteemChurch: Salvation.

in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)

Hello steemians, welcome to my blog.

Today I would be taking you on a tour to feed your spiritual minds, because it's very essential.


Salvation means offering yourself or giving yourself out for righteousness.

Philippians 3 vs 17-21.
17 Brethren, be followers together of me, and mark them which walk so as ye have us for an ensample.

18 (For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ:

19 Whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things.)

20 For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ:

21 Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself.

In the word we have different categories of Christians;

  1. The Christians who are save.
  2. The Christians who are preparing to be saved.
  3. The christians who are not save
  4. The Christians who are save, and their names are in the book of life.

In life, one of the greatest lie is lying to yourself when you know the truth. If you are pretending to be save, you are only killing your self little by little, that is why salvation is important in our lifes as a christain.

  • Salvation is for the mad Christians, because to maintain salvation you have to be mad for christ.

  • Salvation involves perseverance, because perseverance is the hardwork you do.

  • Salvation is the battle for does who has it, because the moment you have salvation their is a battle line between you and the devil.

Salvation is free and the greatest gift in life.

Please Do Endeavor To Get It Before It Becomes Late.

Bible verses taken from KJV.

Am uche-nna
Thanks For Reading.


Salvation is a priceless gift, given to us by Christ himself.
But most times we don't value it..

We are saved by grace and not by work. The salvation is what grants us access to have direct relationship with God and break the barriers that sin created and also grant us opportunity to reign with Christ in God's kingdom.

Thanks for sharing this.

Yes @maintain4real-eu, by grace through faith we are been saved.
Thanks for stopping by, am glad you did.

Jesus teaches that ‘Salvation’ is a man made concept of the Jews. The word ‘Salvation’ is only brought up once in the bible by Jesus and that is at the water well with the Samaritan woman.

The church stretches ‘Salvation’ out to mean many things but we also have to remember that the church admits that it is confused. The church acknowledges that the bible is very difficult to understand even for their bible scholars. Instead of taking this as a warning that people are listening to a teacher that can’t bring clarity, they take it as a warning not to try to understand it themselves

@wa2qr, @egetex has said it all, he spoke my mind.
I disagree with you, they are so many places in the bible that talks about salvation. It wasn't brought up once.
The bible isn't difficult. Even an illiterate can read and interpret the bible, what he or she needs in life is just the holy spirit direction in his or her life and the person is good to go.

Without salvation we won't be saved.
We are saved through it.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, I do preciate.

The Bible is not just any book, its a book written by the inspiration from God.

The church stretches ‘Salvation’ out to mean many things but we also have to remember that the church admits that it is confused. The church acknowledges that the bible is very difficult to understand even for their bible scholars.

Salvation is not confused. You just need the interpretation from the Holy Spirit. You don't read a Bible like you reading a textbook. A Bible scholar might be interested in knowing the Bible but no seeking help from the Holy Spirit for proper understanding. The Bible is confusing when you try understanding it yourself.

@egetex, seriously thanks alot bro...

I love this
Salvation is for the MAD Christians
This is so true
Because only those who are mad for Christ can really be truly saved.

Yes, it's really only those, most especially in this perilous time we are in.
Thanks for stopping by Julie.

Its awesome to see you teach scriptures. Salvation is sure free unto all men and anyone unsaved will be doomed for life at the end of it all. May we get actually saved b4 its too late. Amen

Yes it really is, and it's something we all humans should have.
Amen to the prayers and thanks for sharing your thought.

Salvation is all encompassing. It is an embodiment of all that Jesus did for mankind through his vicarious death on the cross. In it is our life, health, peace, prosperity, and all we'd ever need in this life. They are only made available when we accept the lordship of Jesus Christ .

Thanks for this wonderful piece @Uche-nna.

This is really wonderful. You just said it in a more elaborated and simple way.
Thanks alot @joyce-okpobo.

Salvation is the priceless gift, freely given to mankind by the saviour and master himself Jesus Christ. It's through the salvation of God that made it possible for Christians to have a fellowship with God.

Amazing one here @uche-nna

Yes, it is through salvation.
Most times I wonder how it would have been for we christains without salvation.
Thanks for stopping by dear.

Thank God for Christ Jesus for the salvation of our souls. It's his gift to all us.

Thanks for sharing @uche-nna

Yes oo, thank God for him and the gift he has given to us for free.
Thanks for stopping by.

Nice article but i seem to disagree in one the point you made, and thats on types of christians you mentioned; if you are a christian that means you are like Christ.....Christianity is not a religion, its purely a way of life, that means if your life doesn't reflect that of Christ the author and finisher of faith, forget it, you are not a christian....Christianity is not a household name, that one can just pick without working his/her real salvation.

Salvation is the battle for does who has it, because the moment you have salvation their is a battle line between you and the devil.
I love that quote by you.

The door to heaven is just one.....Either you are true or fake

You better be a true christian.


@princeluv, I get your point, The types of christians I mentioned are base on experience and what I see around me.
Yes Christianity means we are like christ (christ-like).
Christianity is gotten from christ.
Thanks for stopping by, thanks for sharing your thoughts and mind.
I love comments like this, it keeps me going.

Thank you so much....for your wide heart of understanding, because it takes a mature a mind to agree with a contrary view! God bless you.

Smiles 😊😊..
You too..

Unfortunately, pastors don't preach salvation any more, they rather preach prosperity messages...

Thanks for sharing this word bro.

Yes, it's true.
That's because they are following the crowd and don't want to loose their members. But bear in mind we still have those who are truely pastors and are still talking about salvation.
Thanks for stopping by too bro.

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