The nature of God in us!

in #steemchurch6 years ago

Beloved, I was reading Genesis. And chapters 1-3 touched me interestingly:

God created the world from nothing. He had no referential to copy or base. Everything flowed from the mind of God. And when God made man, the text says that he was made in his image and likeness (Genesis 1:26).


Adam received the responsibility of taking care of the Creation and his first conscious attitude, like his Creator, was to create. God commands him to name the animals and the names he gave would be definitive (Gen. 2:19).

God does not whisper ideas in Adam's ear. He leaves it free to create those names and so did Adam. This made me reflect on how much we need to discover the essence of God in us and in it flow with dedication, courage and daring. We are descendants of Adam.

We were also created in the image and likeness of God! We possess the essence that has been transmitted from generation to generation since the day Adam was made by the hands of the Lord. Adam fell, but Jesus came to restore what was broken. Remediated in His blood, the gift of creativity flows more than ever in us. We are dwellings of the Holy Spirit (I Co 3:16) and we have the mind of Christ (1 Cor 2:16).

God's creativity is within us! As worshipers we need to examine ourselves (I Co 11:28), find and awaken the essence of God's creative nature, reserved for the gift that we receive from Him to serve Him.

In any service in the Kingdom we have full conditions of creating and flowing the newness of Him on earth. It is true that sometimes the new is a "renewed old". But it is the case of women's bags made from old jeans.

The material is not new, but it is evident that it has gained new identity and value when used differently. May we free ourselves from patterns and models (those that are not necessary) and have originality in the Lord's work (Rm 7: 6). We can admire those who are doing something anointed and excellent. But we do not need to feed a vicious circle of continuous copies and repetitions. This is true even for a work environment or a relationship.

Creativity is everything! Psalm 65 congratulates the person God chooses to be with Him. As children, we are called to live together with God. The psalmist says that 'with tremendous acts of justice' we will be answered and that God 'will soften the earth with rain and bless his innovations.'

These promises are ours! Being creative in the world is a rare quality. But in the kingdom of God it is not uncommon to see a creative child of God. It is a matter of taking possession of the initial gift of humanity: "You have the anointing of the Holy One, and you all have knowledge" (I John 2:20).

May we discover a new color in each sunrise!


Good message sister, man and everything created could not be, and in what they are they always depend on another; while God is, and is for himself. This infinite distance, this absolute smallness of man before God shows that everything that exists is willed by God with his will and his freedom: everything that exists is good and fruit of love

Resteem by: EC

We all dream of a beautiful place, our @sc-telos village can make it happen.


Lovely post! God bless you

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