The division is a crime

in #steemchurch6 years ago


There is a "crime" in the midst of the Church that saddens, mainly, the heart of God. This crime does not physically kill, but spiritually the Body of Christ. Your name? Division.

In principle, the Church would be the least likely place for this 'crime' to occur, since what is preached is unity and not faction. However, what is sometimes seen are believers gladiating against believers. One wanting to take the place of the other. And, Satan, our adversary, 'applauds' what he sees, for this is what he desires: brothers in Christ against brothers in Christ.

The epistle of the Apostle Paul to the Galatians relates the works of the flesh and the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:16). The division (or faction) is a work of the flesh, that is, works that are produced by the very strength of man in contrast to the fruit of the Spirit (v.22), which exists only by the creative power of God. Therefore, continuing to practice the works of the flesh without repentance is clear evidence that a person has not been renewed by the Spirit (New Life Bible).

Speaking of the division, Paul said to the Corinthian church: I beg you, brothers, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you, so that they remain united in the same address and in the same opinion. (1Co.110.) In this aspect, Paul warns about divisions based not on doctrines, but on personalities, so that the attributes that can cause divisions are avoided. It is not that a person has to agree with everything the other says, but, in love, the Christian must maintain the same goal oriented towards the Word of God.

But why do so many divisions happen? There are several reasons, however, two of them deserve prominence. The first of them is pride. And pride is nothing more than a very high concept that someone makes of himself. This noun is a barrier that prevents the union between people. As the thinker Jean B. Lacordaire said: "Pride divides men, humility unites them", what is lacking in many people is exactly the humility to recognize when they are wrong. There are people who believe that they are always true in their thoughts and convictions; "They hit the foot" and do not accept arguments from another. This causes division. Pride leaves no room for dialogue and understanding.

The second cause of division is envy. Once someone said: "Only stones are thrown on fruit trees." This is a truth, because whenever a person begins to excel in the church, there is commonly someone trying to harm them. The envious one, many times, is a parasite that does not do anything and does not let anyone do it. He lurks ready to give a rake in which is available for the work of God. Envy sharpens the division, wishing the fall of the neighbor.

The Christian must and needs to have the temperament controlled by the Holy Spirit of God. When attri- butes and differences of opinion arise in front, it is necessary to ask the Heavenly Father for discernment so that the situation is controlled by Him, thus avoiding divisions and dissensions. Good sense among the brothers in Christ would avoid many problems and innumerable delays in the work of God.


We are all one body in Christ. We all have to live in unity

1 Corinthians 3:4
When one of you says, "I am a follower of Paul," and another says, "I follow Apollos," aren't you acting just like people of the world?


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One body, one spirit, one God, together we will conquer the world for Christ.

Yes, yes, and yes... Can't we all just get along? Keep studying and stay faithful!

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