How do they remind you?

in #steemchurch5 years ago

Dear brother, I want to give you this reflection as you are remembered? as someone who left deep traces of peace, love and well-being or as someone unpleasant to remember?


The story of Joseph of Egypt is one of the most beautiful stories of the Holy Bible. It motivates us to believe that one day things will happen. But analyzing with more care, not only observing the life history of Joseph, but also of David and several other chosen ones, I perceive a determining factor so that they could be blessed.

Joseph, for example, in the midst of the worst afflictions a man can go through, he did not bury the talent that God had given him, much less stand still, on the contrary, José showed service where he was, worked hard and determined to be the best where and in the case of a person who is not of the same nature, prospered.

This caused that it happened to be observed, it became a referent, even in the middle of the prison. And the day came when a person who had connected with Joseph in prison, remembered that Joseph could solve a situation for Pharaoh.

Could it be that your life testimony, your behavior, your character, your friendships, your business, your disposition, will be that someone will be able to remind you with good references?
Or is it that when someone remembers you and remembers with a negative reference? Dude, do not call such a person no, she is very lazy. Or do not have friendship with such person, but it will harm you.

Think about that, that can change your story forever


When John the Baptist said: "It is necessary that I grow and I decrease." (John 3:30), he spoke to every genuine Christian. We must insist on being smaller than Christ. I am cautious, in what depends on me, to be less than Christ in the vision of third parties.


Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.

Matthew 5: 7


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