After knowing Jesus you do not become the same again

in #steemchurch6 years ago


Greetings to all my beloved of Steemchurch, the peace of Jesus Christ was with you.

In the book of Matthew, chapter 2, verse 12, it is written: "And, being, by divine revelation, warned in a dream lest they return to Herod, they departed to their land by another way."

In that chapter, we find the episode of when the magicians came to where Jesus was. Notice what the end of the verse says: "They left their land for another way". This episode is repeated in the history of all those who have an encounter with Jesus. No one is the same person after seeing Jesus. No one remains the same after an encounter with Him.

That is what Jesus does. The Bible says that there are ways that in our eyes seem right, but that in the end are death ways. Jesus Christ was born to be the way. In John 14.6, He says: "I am the way, the truth and the life, No one comes to the Father, but through me." You know, when I hear these words of Jesus, I see that it is so simple that the person leaves the path in which she is and she takes Jesus, many times people are changing their religion, their system, their doctrines.

Jesus is the way, that's why the text says that the magicians returned by another way. There is a moment in history when we take Jesus as Lord and Savior. It's been a few years since I gave my life to Jesus. When I took him as my Lord and Savior, I went back another way. It is not a road; my life has changed. My values ​​became others. I happened to have such a glorious certainty about eternal life, to have the certainty of salvation. My sins were forgiven, I was born again. And that turn in life is called repentance. We do not like to hear that word, because we have a lodging system, we are accommodated. But at the moment when you hear and see who Jesus is ...

Jesus is the Son of the living God. He came to be the Savior. His own name, Jesus, means savior. When someone opens the heart and says: "Jesus, enter my life", He enters and changes. The past is forgiven, life is another life. The person is born again, she becomes a new creature. The Bible says that he who is in Christ is a new creature, old things passed away, everything became new. And that's it! That's why the kings came back another way, everything was new to them, every step, every kilometer they walked. The landscape was different.

Walking with Jesus is something fascinating, a glorious adventure. God bless you!


Great image Sister! Meeting Christ and maintaining a genuine relationship with Him will allow us to live a life like He lived, in justice, love and holiness.

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Of that there is no doubt sister changes our lives !!!

No es lo mismo decir que "crees en Dios" a "caminar con Dios".
Cuando una persona camina con Dios, no sólo ve la vida diferente a los demás sino que se siente al 100% protegido pues es el creador tu padre celestial quién está contigo en todo momento.

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