Passion of Christ, Passion for Christ.

in #steemchurch6 years ago

The passion of Christ is the kinda passion that helps you to stay focused even when you're recieving so much stripes and afflictions. One of the greatest propellant in life is passion. Passion puts you in a boat and helps the boat to withstand all the storm till the destination is arrived at.


The greatest passion that any man on earth has ever possessed is that of Christ. To pursue Christ, we qneed that same passion he had. To walk with Christ, we must deny ourselves of so many fleshly desires. When this passion is ignited the things that are pleasurable to the world tend to excite us no more. We'll seek bringing Christ pleasure instead of ourselves.

A man with passion for Christ is sold out to Christ. When you agree to walk with Jesus, you sign up for challenges. But it's the passion that will keep you going till the end. Walking with Christ isn't sweet because of the ease. It's sweet because it's an adventurous one, you just keep encountering different phases of challenges and overcoming. It's called the good fight because we win even before we start fighting.


This is mathematical, the force of passion has to be more than the force of challenges so that you can move forward. So as the challenges intensify, ensure that your passion amplifies. The voice of passion comes from our spirit. The voice of our spirit is increased by prayer, meditation and the voice of the Lord.

The righteous man falls and stand, while the unrighteous man is always on the floor. It takes the standing to fall. Men of passion are never tired of pushing. Men of passion are men of purpose. God is in search for these kind of men so he can put the government on their shoulders.
Your passion determines your position in life.

Whatever drives you determines your direction in life, your direction determines your destination. Passion removes the fear of failure. Any man on this journey of life is free to misplace anything at all, provided God and his passion remains with him.
Passion helps us to keep our focus.
Passion is the reason why you're not gonna get tired of following Christ because your eyes is fixed on the life after now.
Passion is what you need to make impact even as you follow Christ. Christ finished his work on earth because of his awesome passion, and today we're still enjoying his wonderful work.


That's what passion can do. It's easy for passion to die, but it's very difficult for the impact made by passion to die. But the way to see this impact made by passion is to fight to see that your passion doesn't die.

Passion is the reason why you'll keep on praying and studying to know more about God even when you don't feel like.
When there's passion for Christ, you don't do what you feel like doing or want to do, instead you do what you ought to do.

"I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.
paul finished his course because of his passion. 2 Timothy 4:7"

Life threw punches at him, but he fought back. Passion delivers the required strength a man needs.
Life on earth is an investment ground for the Kingdom.


"And every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name's sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life. But many that are first shall be last; and the last shall be first. Matthew 19:27-30"

Passion makes you a visionary.
When you lack passion, boredom and laziness sets in.
Men who lack passion are never able to advance the course of Christ on earth. These men are easily distracted because they lack passion which is normally supposed to help remain focused.


Passion for Christ, passion for man. As mankind we have to learn how to leave a passionate life. Thanks apostle @tikhub for such a strong insight today,Stay blessed

The passion of Christ is the realest..
Thank you Jesus for loving me, and dying for me.

And, I really like this :

Passion delivers the required strength a man needs

Thanks for sharing this with us, The Passion of Christ is really about a love story -- the love that Christ has for you and me. He was willing to go to the cross, take all the humiliation, extraordinary pain and suffering, and most of all, the sin of the entire human race -- past, present and future -- upon Himself. He was willing to allow Himself to be separated from His Father, God, when He bore my sins and yours. He did it because He loves us, and He so desperately wants you and me to spend eternity with Him in heaven.
The Bible is clear in John 3:3 when Jesus says, "unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." First, you must believe that you are a sinner and that your sin has separated you from God. Second, you must acknowledge that there is nothing you could ever do, say, pay, that would reconcile this sin debt you have with God. Third, you must acknowledge that Jesus Christ came to this earth to live a sinless life and died in your place for your sins. Lastly, you must receive Him into your heart as your Lord and Savior.

We cant really achieve anything on earth if iur heart is not burning for jesus ,our abilty to acomplish his will is dependent on our passion toward him because that will be our drive.

Men who lack passion are never able to advance the course of Christ on earth. These men are easily distracted because they lack passion which is normally supposed to help remain focused.

Thanks for sharing.

Interesting article love it

Passion for God is kindled by the the Intimacy we have with God. Thanks so much for this

Great post! Thank you for sharing. God bless

It is easy for passion to die, but it is very difficult for the impact of passion to die.
I really like this fragment! Thank you for this teaching once again, Jesus gives us an example!

thanks for stopping by

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