Living an exemplary life - Tribute to Billy Graham (GOD'S GENERAL)

in #steemchurch6 years ago


Jesus led an exemplary life. Individuals looked to Him because He was commendable He was deserving of respect, He was praiseworthy, He was deserving of imitation.
Today's message is simply about, a call to be commendable and excellent.

I need you to take a gander at your life and ask yourself, Are you deserving of imitation, would you say you are serving as a model? This country needs good examples, and as Christians, in addition to the fact that we should be good examples, Christ calls us to be.

For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be adjusted to the picture of His Son, that He may be the firstborn among numerous brethren. Romans 8:29

These verses give Paul's clarification of being one who has "been called by His purpose" and why God keeps on working every one of their experiences together to their advantage Believers are those God foreknew. This does not mean simply that God foreknows what believers will do, yet that God foreknows them.

Nor does divine premonition only mean an awareness of or colleague with a person. Instead it means a significant relationship with a person based on God's decision in time everlasting before Creation. "He chose us in Him before the Creation of the world


This interminable decision and prescience involves more than establishing a relationship amongst God and believers. It also involves the objective or end of that relationship: Those God foreknew He also predestined to be complied with the likeness of His Son (1 John 3:2)

beloved, now we are offspring of God; and it has not yet been uncovered what we shall be, but rather we realize that when He is uncovered, we shall resemble Him, for we shall see Him as He is. 1 John 3:2

The whole gathering that is carried into relationship with God in His unceasing arrangement by divine foresight and decision is predestined. God decided heretofore the believers' destiny, in particular, adjustment to the picture of Jesus Christ. By all saints being made like Christ (extreme and finish sanctification), Christ will be lifted up as the Firstborn among numerous brothers.
The resurrected and celebrated Lord Jesus Christ will turn into the Head of another race of mankind refined from all contact with sin and arranged to live unceasingly in His presence.

Tribute to Billy Graham (GOD'S GENERAL)


The estimation of a life is whether you can think back and say you affected one person's life for forever — how awesome is that? All things considered, Billy Graham can think back on his life and be absolutely assured that he has affected millions of lives for forever.

The thing most individuals loved about him is that he remained the most modest man you could ever, ever, ever need to meet. He had this staggering, cherishing presence of a person for the masses, however then when you one-on-one with him, you the main person in the room. Seldom do individuals have both of those gifts.

There's a magnificent verse in Micah that says, basically, this is the thing that God requires of you — to make the right decision, to love benevolence, and to walk submissively with your God. Furthermore, by those standards, Billy Graham carried on with a phenomenal, exemplary life.


Billy Graham made the message of Christ sufficiently simple for a little 12-year-old young lady in the back of a film theater to understand. REST IN PEACE FATHER, Your Legacy lives ON!



@tikhub i have to commend you for this post, the late Bily Graham will appreciate this from wherever he is!
May his soul rest in peace, he dies but his legacy lives!

What a great man, a role model, we should all from this, we should live a life people will remember when we die, Great post

Billy Graham lived a fulfilled life as we can all attest to, lets ask ourselves the lessons we as Christians can learn from his life, also we should ask ourselves as Christians, what would we leave behind if we leave this world

Yeah. Billy Graham was indeed a Man of God and an example for we true believers to emulate. The preaching of the gospel isn't just for pastors, apostles, etc... The life of Christ isn't just for apostles, bishops, NO! The life of Christ is for every believer, every true believer should live the life of Christ. Jesus came and laid an example, He lived an exemplary life, he gave us a standard, he showed us how to attain the standard and gave us all that we need to attain such standard and function at such capacity. The life of Billy Graham reminds me of the standard Christ laid for us before the ascended. We as Christians ought to start living that life. We ought to start embracing that Christ kind of life. Billy Graham was and remains a great name in the body of Christ because he adopted the Christ kind of life(zoe) and lived it to its fullness. I think it's high time we had this mindset and be better Christians.
Thanks @tikhub for this awesome post.
Blessings bro

This was indeed God's own general. Thanks for sharing @tikhub. God bless you so much.

Great post. I did one too here. Yours is way better. Well done!

Wow,what a great man of God,one of God's general,a man that shook the world for the gospel of Christ,wrought many signs,wonders and miracle,indeed you have live a fulfilling life and left a lasting legacy,adieu papa till we meet,thank you for the impact.

Thanks for sharing this post, a thought Came to my heart when reading this post which is what will people remember me for when I'm gone...
That's a good for thought for everyone

Really wonderful post! Thanks for sharing.

May his soul rest in peace.

The death of Billy Graham has given way for millions of more Billy Grahams.

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