in #steemchurch7 years ago

Divine favour does not have a place with everyone except the elect, and as a child of the Most High God you are lawfully in line for an overflowing of divine favor and advancement that is coming your direction. Yet, you should first apply these scriptural standards to get it. For instance, divine favor laid on the life of Abraham, yet none of his family experienced it. Abraham was honored and favored in light of the fact that he was picked.


What's more, that favor was seen more than once in Abraham's life. There are such a significant number of cases in Scripture. When he went down to Egypt, he had favor with the pharaoh (Genesis 12). When he battled against the powers that caught his nephew Lot (Genesis 14), Abraham was given divine favor and triumph. Divine favor laid on his child Isaac, however Isaac's relative Ishmael did not know a similar favor.

Isaac was honored incalculable amid one of the most noticeably bad starvations of his day. Despite the fact that he sowed seed amid dry season, he got a hundredfold return amidst starvation, despite the fact that people around him stayed in dry spell! Now that is genuine favor. Also, wherever Isaac turned he thrived, to such an extent that Abimelech, lord of the Philistines, said to Isaac:

Go from us; for thou workmanship significantly mightier than we" (Genesis 26:16).

What about Jacob, whom God favored rather than his sibling Esau:

Yet I loved Jacob, and I hated Esau (Malachi 1:2-3).

For what reason would God set his heart on one sibling and not another? Favor. Truth be told, stunning favor rested upon Jacob over and over for the duration of his life. He got away from the anger of his own sibling and the guile and abuse of his uncle Laban. Jacob went out discharge and returned one of the wealthiest men of his day.


Favor likewise refreshed on Joseph, Jacob's child, in such a powerful path, to the point that he was advanced in Egypt when Pharaoh had never observed him. He was obscure to the leader of the most intense country in the area, yet Joseph was given such favor that Pharaoh gave him control over the land! Favor laid on Moses to such a degree, to the point that he was favored by Pharaoh's little girl, who arranged the newborn child as he grew up for his life's notable mission. Favor laid on Israel when they cleared out Egypt to such an extent, to the point that they actually took all the wealth of Egypt (Exodus 12:36). The Bible says they "ruined," or took all the riches, not simply part of it.

Extraordinary and divine favor laid on David as he vanquished Goliath and later was given the kingdom while being ensured over and again against his foes. God even called David "a man apparently trying to win over his affections" (1 Samuel 13:14). Divine favor laid on Solomon and God reestablished him at last. So much favor laid on the life of Job that God reestablished twice what was taken from him.

God's favor laid on the prophets so incredibly that when Nebuchadnezzar seized Jerusalem in 586 B.C., he requested that Jeremiah be liberated from jail and treated well. The rundown of cases of divine favor is perpetual! Indeed, even our valuable Lord Jesus, who got away mischief over and over, encountered His Father's divine favor.


The messengers were favored by the general population and the specialists couldn't touch them or prevent them from lecturing the Gospel. Paul the messenger was given favor by the Romans themselves and shielded from death when the Jews attempted to murder him. He was saved more than once, with God protecting his life over and over.

God did not favor only those living in Bible days. His delicate, adoring favor has a place with you similarly as it did to Daniel:

"Presently God had brought Daniel into favor and delicate love with the ruler of the eunuchs" (Daniel 1:9). That same delicate favor is the thing that God has guaranteed us, His children.

Divine favor is activated by confidence. Divine favor isn't the aftereffect of fortunes yet of acquiescence. As the Bible lets us know:

The eyes of the Lord are over the noble, and his ears are open unto their supplications: yet the substance of the Lord is against them that do malicious (1 Peter 3:12).

Favor has a place only with the just. Hence, as God's child, you're legally in line to be favored and advanced. Always remember this—when the devil assaults you, God will dependably advance you.

The Word of God guarantees that exclusive the giver is favored with His approval:

Prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it. And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground; neither shall your vine cast her fruit before the time in the field, saith the Lord of hosts. And all nations shall call you blessed: for ye shall be a delightsome land, saith the Lord of hosts. (Malachi 3:10-12)

This gift on givers is rehashed again and again in God's Word. Jesus Himself stated:

Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again” (Luke 6:38).

Enact God's Favor in Your Life Today by Faith!



God's favor can achieve more in a minute than what work can do in a lifetime! Divine favor can open doors that no man can close, and can close doors no man can open. Thank you for sharing this message Apostle @tihkub...


Amen...! And I like your words of encouragement when you said "Favor has a place only with the just. Hence, as God's child, you're legally in line to be favored and advanced. Always remember this—when the devil assaults you, God will dependably advance you"

Favour is like a crown that God places on the head of his beloved!

Divine favour can change someone's life within a minute,i pray that we will all receive divine favour in our life in Jesus name

God's devine favor is the only way that a believer can distinct himself from the rest, we all need God's devine favour but it must be triggered

When divine favor locates you it becomes a mystery and all you have to do is praise God unlimited. Divine intervention is of God's time and not man. Just pray for it and he'll give at the appointed TIME

Divine favor from God changes the story of a man into something outstandingly good. We all need this favor and should seek by being upright in our ways

Nice expose on God's Divine favour, I bless tge name of God for been an elect.

Hello friend @tikhub I loved the verse that says the eyes of the Lord are on the nobles, very beautiful this makes one reflect on many aspects as a person, definitavente the word of God is life and is the best way. Thank you for sharing and may God bless you

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