in #steemchurch6 years ago

Fashion in dressing

According to the Advance Oxford Learner's Dictionary fashion . the manner or way of doing something. It is a popular style (o clothes, behaviour, etc.) at a given time or place. We shall row the meaning of fashion as it relates to dressing.
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Now, if clothes are meant to cover our nakedness, does it mean that anything that covers our nakedness goes for clothes? Asa matter of fact, are we to wear anything in as much as it covers our nakedness? This is where the concept of fashion no comes in.

As has being said, fashion is the way or manner of doing some. thing, one of which is dressing. It is the different styles or pat. terns of your dressing at a given time or place. Fashion is so necessary because it makes you admirable, presentable, look good and obviously brings out your beauty.
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See, as believers, it is never a crime to be fashionable. IN should be fashionable both in behaviour and in dressing. It only when such fashion portrays indecency or derails us fro God that we should not associate with it

Honey, God is fashionable. This could be seen the way and manner He decked Himself (Psalm104). His throne (Rev. 22:15), His Palace - heaven (Rev. 21:10-23). His Priests (Exodus 39), and even His Temple (Il Chron. 3 6).
You will agree with me that the dressing He placed for the Levites is quite different from that of the Priests. which is also different from that of the High Priests. Whoa! a fashionable God we serve. Glory!

Now, coming back to our topic about dressing, we have to go back to see how God decked Adam and Eve after they tried to cover themselves with Apron:

See, God couldn't be so fashionable (as earlier said), and you will expect him to sew unfashionable or mere •cut and stitch' clothes for them. I believe that the coats of skins were so beautiful and admirable.

See, you just imagine a cloth sown with the very own Hands of Divinity - the One that created the universe and that made the cloud as a garment to the earth (Job38:4-41).

Whoa! This was the most beautiful clothes humanly has ever seen. No fashion designer can beat the Lord and Originator fashion. Glory!
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Sweetie, it is God's will that you look good, admirable and attractive. All those shabby and unfashionable clothing, you are wearing does not represent the glamour and gory of your.

We serve the God of fashion, the One that rides on the wings of the wind (Psalm18:7-15), that makes the earth His footstool (Isaiah 66:1). That is to say that, He sits down in His throne in heaven and His Leg reaches the ground.

And the One who the streets of His Palace - heaven, are made of pure gold (Rev21:21). Oh what a pleasant thing to know that we serve such a fashionable and glamorous God! Glory!

Dear, all those haggard clothes you call dressing does not portray the God we serve. We serve a God of style, pattem, wonder, beauty, glamour and glory.

See, many a believer or ministry thinks that holiness is antifashion. That is, when you are holy, then you are far from fashion.

They think that holiness is to be unattractive, shabby and dull looking. It is a pity that they have mistaken self-righteousness for holiness. But the holiness I know is sparkling, attractive, beautiful and glamorous .lt is a spotlight for all to see.
Now, I do implore you to start thinking straight. Have you ever heard that we should: Psalm 29:2 KJV
Give unto the Lord the glory due unto his name; worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.

Holiness is beautiful, fashionable, admirable and pure. There are so many scriptures that emphasizes this (l Chron. 16:27. Il Chron. 20:21. Psalm 96:9). There is nothing as beautiful as God's holiness which we are meant to emulate (l Peter 1:15, 16).

Now, this same beauty, has he provided for his Church. Little wonder the Psalmist began to say:
Psalm 50:2 KJV
Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty, God hath shined

Zion prophetically speaks of the Church. Thus, it is meant or ordained by God to radiate not just beauty, but the perfection beauty and fashion. That is, the church should be a radiation of
beauty and glamour in every ramification. The reason obvious God hath shined.

Now sweetie, I want you to begin to say like the Psalmist: Psalm 90:17 KJV
And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us: and establish thou the work of our hands upon us; yea, the work of our hands establish thou it.

Whoa! You had better start saying, believing and behaving now so that you will walk in beauty, fashion, glamour and gory.

Darling, much as fashion is being encouraged, that does not give us the effrontery to go to the extreme in the name of fash. ion. The place of decency cannot be overemphasized. In your fashion, you must be guided by decency.
Do not always fail to go for the best but you should not be fashion crazy or too extravagant. It is not a crime to go for reigning things. But you should not be crazy about them. It is not a "do or die" affair.

Beloved, it is imperative to note that you must disassociate yourself from every fashion that is immoral or ungodly. Fashion is good, but should not be abused. And to this, Apostle Paul opined:

1 Corinthians 7:31 KJV
And they that use this world, as not abusing it : for the fashion of this world passeth away.

He was simply saying that as we use the world or the fashion of this world; we should not abuse it, because it is temporal. And to abuse it is when it now becomes detrimental to your faith or spirituality.

May I sound categorically to you; you should never lose your spiritual content because of fashion. For while physical fashion is temporal, spiritual fashion is eternal. Glory!


Good to hear from you TIKHUB, Thanks for sharing with Us!



We are the living vessels of Christ, we should let our daily live bring others to christ..... there is a saying "dress the way you want to be addressed" live the life of a christ and act accordingly to the foot step of jesus

The fact that a person is a Christian does not mean you should bit dress well, Jesus wore very nice fabric of clothes in his missionary journey according to the bible
We however we clothes that will gloriy God, not exposes the body indiscriminately, but we are entitled to look good, the way we dress is the way we shall be adressed. looking good is not a sin

May I sound categorically to you; you should never lose your spiritual content because of fashion. For while physical fashion is temporal, spiritual fashion is eternal. Glory!

Well said.
May God help us to practice what we preach.

Christianity and fashion/modesty have turn some Christians' heart out of the right way.

We find out that some will dress not to the glory of God and they will keep saying "faith is in the heart and God judge base on the heart."

If Jesus Christ has never once dressed out of God's glory and Mary his mother never for once dress any how, we just have to be careful of how we deal with the issues of fashion/modesty.

We as christains ought to have the capacity to dress legitimately. Our body ought to be secured in light of the fact that it is private, God needs us to dress legitimately. Give us a chance to dress as christains.
we must disassociate ourself from every fashion that is immoral or ungodly. Fashion is good, but should not be abused.

As Christians, Living modestly is to proclaim what is proper and what is Godly.
Thanks @tikhub for this great post

This is a wonderful and awesome message. fashion is the way or manner of doing some. thing, one of which is dressing. It is the different styles or pat. terns of your dressing at a given time or place. Fashion is so necessary because it makes you admirable, presentable, look good and obviously brings out your beauty. as believers, it is never a crime to be fashionable. IN should be fashionable both in behaviour and in dressing. It only when such fashion portrays indecency or derails us fro God that we should not associate with it. Do not always fail to go for the best but you should not be fashion crazy or too extravagant. It is not a crime to go for reigning things. But you should not be crazy about them. It is not a "do or die" affair. Thanks for sharing

though, because I know that some women would turn the issue back on men as if it is their own problem.

But I know that a sincere Christian woman would not have that attitude. A Christian woman would respond, "Really? I didn't know. Please, tell me what the issue is here." She wants to serve her brothers, and her brothers want to serve her. The brothers don't want to put her under any artificial constraints and she wants to serve them. So there ought to be dialogue about this.

Necklines are an issue these days. Everywhere I turn—at the airport and at church—the necklines are plunging! Some fashion designers in the world are communicating to women today that the thing to do is have your neckline split extend too low.

Women should dress in such a way that they draw men's attention towards their eyes, their face, and not towards the other parts of their bodies.

A woman can test herself in this arena by how she dresses her little girl. What kind of bathing suit do you put on your little two-year-old? Is it a cute little bikini? Or do you begin from the very start to teach this little girl that there is an appropriate way to dress? Are you preparing her so that by the time she is seven, eleven, or fifteen her whole mindset is, I dress appropriately, modestly, and not to entice or flaunt?

We as christains should be able to dress properly. Our body should be covered because it is private, God wants us to dress properly. Let us dress as christains.
Thanks for sharing.

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