The Word of God, with revelation

in #steemchurch6 years ago
The Word of God is fundamental in prayer, in adoration and in the life of the church itself. It is the foundation, the substance, the essence of your message. It is the text on which it is inspired, from which it obtains not only the advice it needs, but also its strength, its value. For this reason, the Church faithful to the Lord loves, meditates, teaches and preaches the Word of God and gives it a role of absolute importance.


Throughout the centuries, the Bible has achieved and fulfilled its purpose in the church through preaching. Not our opinions or our points of view. It is the exposition of the "Word of God". It is to communicate the whole counsel of God and its practical application. It is to have the conviction to be able to say:

"This is what God says!"

When the preaching of the church is based on the Word, centered on Christ and on the cross, free of any cultural, political, intellectual and spiritual commitment, perhaps its message will be judged as "madness" by the world, but power emanates of God who redeems. man makes him free, transforms the lives of people and elevates Christ as Lord.


A preaching without this foundation is irrelevant and has nothing important to say. The doctrines that are the fruit of the speculation of the mind, of the materialistic, of human philosophy, can never satisfy the spiritual thirst of the soul. Only the true, perfect and effective Word of God will never fail, and it will always achieve the purpose for which God sends it to us.

So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.
Isaiah 55:11

The role of the Word of God, therefore, in the church is to make the church itself "alive".

But the word must also be accompanied by a revelation of the Holy Spirit, each word written in the old and new testament, is a capsule that exposes a fresh revelation of God.


The bible is the food, the fuel, the helix, the generator of faith. A teacher, a preacher can know all the Scriptures by heart, be an expert, have obtained diplomas from the biblical school or degrees in theology, but if the Spirit does not "live" the word he preaches, it will only be a dead letter, a word that it kills even those who hear it and, therefore, alters God's purpose for the church.

His Word will not be moved, His Word will never fail me. I say goodbye to you, leaving you in the company of this beautiful praise of the Hillsong group entitled Your Word. courtesy of Youtube


@theonlyway, the word written in the bible is what edifies by the word is that we have listened to God's call to our lives because it is she who saves instructs and reveals to us who is Jesus Christ our savior

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