Jesus in our workplace.

in #steemchurch6 years ago

Servants, obey in all things them that are your [b]masters according to the flesh; not with eye-service, as men-pleasers, but in singleness of heart, fearing the Lord: whatsoever ye do, work [c]heartily, as unto the Lord, and not unto men; knowing that from the Lord ye shall receive the recompense of the inheritance: ye serve the Lord Christ.
Colossians 3:22-24

Each one of us will pick up what he has sown. God is impartial. This is why even believers should not use our faith to justify disobedience. A difficult situation in the workplace, as an employee and as a leader, does not justify rebellion or unfair actions.


We must never forget that Jesus Christ is in us and with us. If you think about your current job, how do you feel? Are you grateful to have a job, even if it is not the place of your dreams? Have you already talked to God? For God, this part of our life is very important and does not want to be excluded. In fact, Jesus says: "You can not do anything without me."

Without Jesus Christ we can not do anything.

If we do not involve Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord in our daily life and work, we will not achieve the peace, joy and satisfaction that we desire so much. This does not take away the effort and sweat in our work, but we have Jesus Christ at our side who wants to give us the strength we so badly need.

The strength to support co-workers and to complete a job that we do not like at all. The strength to respect and be loyal to our employer. The willingness to commit not only when the boss sees us, but because it is our duty. The choice to be patient with our clients ...


It is also from Jesus Christ that you can have courage and hope, if you are in a period of unemployment. If you are suffering from harassment. If your health severely limits your work skills. In all these situations Jesus Christ wants to be by your side.

Can you involve God even in your work life? I encourage you to. Bring your weight, your frustrations and your difficulties during the work day. It does not mean that you should spend all day in prayer, but you could begin by asking God to accompany you to your work and occasionally to a prayer of thanksgiving.

So, what can we learn from a teaching that apparently has nothing to do with our current culture? The principles are: All our life, at work, during our free time, when we serve "directly" to God: everything is subject to the sovereignty of God, is governed by Christ as Lord and, ultimately, must be lived for the glory of Jesus. Christ our Lord!

Christ is our "teacher in heaven"! We must fear God and not men! We must do everything "as for the Lord"!

And from him will come our eternal reward!


"And whatever you do, do it with your heart, as for the Lord and not for men." Colossians 3,23.

A verse so short and simple with a great liberating message! When you do everything from the heart to the Lord, then this overrides all ambitions to impress others.



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