By this all will know that you are my disciples.

in #steemchurch6 years ago
The Love, much is said and written about it, the love described in the New Testament is not the kind of love that comes to mind spontaneously. It is a totally different love, for which the New Testament has used the term agape, a term coined and used specifically to describe this new type of love hitherto unknown.


A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. 35 By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”
John 13:34-35

Human love loves others because of their personality, appearance, character or other characteristics. On the contrary, agape love loves others for the reason of Jesus Christ, for the value that the other has for Christ. It is not based on human characteristics, because it is not these characteristics that unite us, but only what Christ has done for us.

Human love wants to possess the other only for itself. In agape love, it is not about owning the other, but about giving and serving. We can give and serve because we have already received a lot from God himself.

Precisely for this reason, agape love urges us to love also the one from whom we will never receive anything, or the enemy.

Agape love begins with God's love for us. The unconditional love of God, which we can later give up because it has touched us personally. This is why communion is created in the church through the love of God, it is a very special type of communion.

However, in the church, we are no more than mere acquaintances, people who happen to be in the same place. We can not be anymore, because now we have Jesus Christ as our common base. It is a type of communion that the world does not know. But can they know it through us.

I say goodbye to you, leaving you in the company of this beautiful song courtesy of Youtube


excellent reflection on love. beautiful song brother
primer aniversario.png

Beautiful write up!, we always show love to one another, this will let people know that we are divine fruit of spirit and not just a Christian.

Good message @ Theonlyway, one of the things that was lost in many parts of the church is the love among its members, they live in the house of God, but their hearts are not filled with that love.

It is easy to identify true Christians, they are amble and united and always reflect the truth of God. Many people show indifference in the churches for the lack of love among Christians.

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