Daniel 12 For The Enlightened
The following is a teaching from Imperial Regent Angelus Domini.
A very strong high-profile example of what Lord RayEl just addressed in his Daniel 12 video...
Brigitte Auziere is a pedophile/hebephile... She was a high school teacher who became infatuated with one of her students, a young boy named Emmanuel Macron who was 24 years younger than her (he was 14 and she was 38).
The two eventually got married, and Emmanuel Macron was recently elected President of France, and is the youngest person to have ever held that office... If this had happened in America, Brigitte would've gone to prison, and Emmanuel would've been placed into foster care, and he would still be in therapy, but since it happened in the more enlightened France, she is the country's First Lady.
Emmanuel Macron is an immensely intelligent, powerful and admired world leader, and it is not hard to see how his life would have been profoundly different, if he had spent his young adulthood caring for the children he and some high school chippy conceived in the backseat of a car, instead of spending those formulative years with an older mentor to help wisely guide his steps.
If you haven't seen our Lord's address on Daniel 12, it's time to watch it!
Lord RayEl, has arrived as promised and prophesied and you can visit us (His clergy) at one of our many locations...
God bless.
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(I claim neither credit nor ownership of the above image and or any video content)
If that happened in America, she would have been arrested.
Makes perfect sense!
The results speak for themselves, and not just in this example.
This is a good example... he is the leader of France now so it is a great example.
yes, she would have been arrested and put in jail...
I never knew that about Macron...very interesting.
The kids are going to a better place. A place they'll belong!
I am going to be honest here, I am glad those kids are going to the best place where they will be treated right...
This is a very important video...please listen to it.
Very powerful that the two withstood all the public chastisements and eventually made their dream a reality.