The Despised of the World

in #steemchurch6 years ago (edited)

In John 4, we see the meeting of Jesus with the Samaritan woman. After she realized who he was, she won an entire city. A woman who did not love herself achieved what even the disciples had not achieved. To unleash the greatness of God in your life, you do not even need to have such good self-esteem; because it is not about you. It has never been about you. It's about you knowing who he is, the gift he has, and you dare to ask. If you meet those 3 requirements, he gives you.


There are those who always try to know themselves, improve their self-esteem, know who they are, think better of themselves. But you, think about the gift that God has to give you, and dare to ask him, despite who you are and what you think about you because, while you try to change what you think about you, it takes too much time and never you will feel comfortable before God because everything you will receive from Him, and the greatness that He has placed in you, you will never deserve. You will always find a defect, a problem, a difficulty. It's not that you should not feel good about yourself, but feeling good about yourself is going to be a lifelong job. If you wait to feel good about yourself to obtain all that God wants to do with you, many times you will not achieve it. The love of God that you must understand is not love for yourself, but who He is, what He has for you, and that you dare to ask for it, regardless of your condition and who you are.

This woman saw Jesus under prejudice: "You and I can not talk." She was a woman on the defensive; before a simple request, he put all his defenses. And Jesus said to her: Woman, if you knew who speaks to you, who I am and what I have to give you, you would ask me. Your potential is released in your life when you understand that it has never been about you, it has always been about who He is, about the gift He has, and that you dare to ask. You deserve it, not because of you, but because of who He is, because He has it for you, and because simply, when you do not believe it is for you, you dare to ask for it, and as you dare to ask, He is capable of give it to you. Ask God for something today; He is going to give it to you.

While you do not understand this, you are bound by your prejudices, and you can not unleash your full potential. You begin the relationship with Jesus with prejudice and not open to receive the freedom you should receive.

"18 For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are lost; but to those who are saved, that is, to us, it is the power of God. 19 For it is written: I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and I will disregard the understanding of the wise. 20 Where is the sage? Where is the scribe? Where is the debater of this age? Has not God maddened the wisdom of the world? 21 For since in the wisdom of God the world did not know God through wisdom, it pleased God to save believers because of the folly of preaching. "1 Corinthians 1: 18-21

There is no university that has wisdom that can save. You are saved by the madness of preaching. And it seems madness to ask to receive, to give to receive; but that is the power of God.

"26 For you see, brothers, your vocation, that you are not many wise according to the flesh, nor many powerful, nor many noble ones; 27 But God chose the foolish things of the world, to shame the wise; and the weak things of the world God chose to shame the strong; 28 and the base things of the world and the despised things God chose, and what is not, to undo what is, 29 so that no one may boast in his presence. "1 Corinthians 1: 26-29

If God chose you, you are not the most noble, nor the wisest, nor the most powerful, but you are chosen. To unleash the potential in your life, you can not fall into the dynamics of the world. You can not think that filling you with great achievements is that you will unleash your maximum potential; It is not trying to achieve prestige in front of people. When you try to be good with everyone, you do not fit well with anyone. Do not measure yourself by the standards of the world. God has always chosen what nobody wants, what nobody wants, the last in line. You do not need to change your image, your perception of yourself; if you did, you could become someone unfit for God to choose you because now you would be depending on what you think you are and not what He wants to do with you.

It is not that you do not study or that you do not think well of yourself, but that beyond what the world says and what you think about, you understand that there is a call from God for your life, something bigger for you than what you are living Go beyond those thoughts that have limited you all your life, and dare to believe God for something greater, even though you are not the most powerful or the most intelligent, and that, for the world, you are the vilest; because when God looks at you, He looks at you with gigantic potential to do something for His glory and that people have to say: Only God could have done that with that person.



God chose us, not us God, Jesus overcomes all barriers, this woman who was a sinner did not imagine how he would transform his life. It transcended the barrier of politics, of partnership, prejudice and changed this woman.

God guides us and all the tests he puts into our lives happen because he wants each situation to bring out the positive

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