Steemchurch: God casts out anxiety

in #steemchurch7 years ago

Anxiety is a mental state that generates great anxiety and extreme insecurity. We can divide it into two: adaptive anxiety and pathological anxiety. The first of these can be considered a natural adaptation mechanism, which allows us to be alert to certain stressful events. When the intensity increases and causes significant discomfort, it is when we consider it pathological.

Why do we suffer from anxiety?

Many studies have been done, but scientists have not been able to define an exact cause that causes this disorder. However, there are a number of factors that can influence its appearance. So, we could say that some of the causes of anxiety are: hereditary factors, the environment in which you live, traumatic events, suffering too much stress, living radical changes, etc. Understanding why we suffer from anxiety, will help us to cope with the problem and get to solve it.

Key symptoms that you suffer from anxiety

We can divide them into groups, since they are very varied and affect almost our entire body:

Physical: tachycardia, shortness of breath, tremors, sweating, nausea, vomiting, motor difficulty, dizziness among others.
Psychological and behavioral: feeling of constant danger, insecurity, restlessness, overwhelm, alertness, blocks, impulsivity.
Cognitive: confusion and difficulties to concentrate or pay attention.
Social: difficulty expressing oneself, irritability and self-absorption

What does God say about anxiety?

"When anxiety envelops me, faith vanishes, confidence wanes and hope shudders.
The best thing is to leave it in the only place where it stays paralyzed.
On the altar of God. "

Psalm 116: 3
"The bonds of death entangled me; I was surprised by the anguish of the sepulcher, and I fell into anxiety and affliction. "

1 Peter 5: 7
"Deposit all anxiety in him, because he cares for you."


2 Samuel 22: 7
"In my anguish I called on the Lord; I called my God, and he heard me from his temper "; My cry reached his ears!

For nothing you are anxious; but your petitions be made known before God in all prayer and petition, with thanksgiving. And the peace of God that surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your understandings in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4: 6-7.

Do not have worries, but prayers; not restlessness, but much communion with God. Put your supplications before the Lord of your life, guardian of your soul. Approach Him with two parts of prayer and one of fervent praise. Do not pray with doubts, but with gratitude.

Be certain that your requests have been met, and, therefore, praise the Lord for his mercy. He lavishes his blessings; thank you. Do not hide anything from him, nor keep in your chest restlessness that disturbs your heart; «Your requests are notorious».


Do not appeal to man, but only to God, to the Father of Jesus who loves you in Him. In this way you will find the peace of God. You can never understand how much peace will flood you. He will hold you in his loving arms. Your heart and your spirit will be submerged by Christ Jesus in an ocean of repose.

Come on you life or death, poverty or pain, slander or hatred, you will always be sheltered from every storm, above all the clouds that threaten you. Why do not you obey this ineffable mandate?
Yes, Lord, I believe in you, but my disbelief helps.

Today I will unleash all my anxiety on the altar of the Lord. He cares for me better than anyone else.

Go to the Lord's clinic and get a routine check ...

Ask for your freedom, He will grant it to you, of which you lack today, which binds you and does not let you advance.
Go to the Lord's clinic and have a routine check and see if you are sick:

A friend here, on earth

But who lives in the heavens

Ask for your Freedom ...
He will grant it to you

From what freedom?

The one you lack today, the one that chains you and does not let you advance ...

Go to the Lord's clinic and have a routine check and see if you are sick:

When Jesus takes the pressure, you will see that you are under tenderness.

When measuring the temperature, the thermometer will register 40º of anxiety.

Go to orthopedics, and see if you can walk next to your brother, also if you can
give a fraternal hug, because you may have fractured when you stumbled on the

See also if you do not have myopia, because maybe you can not see beyond the negative things of your neighbor.

If you complain of deafness, Jesus will diagnose you that you have stopped listening to his voice every day.

This is why today Jesus has given you a free consultation thanks to his great mercy, Then promise him that when you leave his clinic you will only take natural medicines
who prescribed you through his truth:

When you get up, drink a glass of appreciation.

When you get to work, take a spoonful of peace

Every hour, ingest a tablet of patience and a cup of humanity

When you get home, inject yourself a dose of love

And before going to bed, take two capsules of calm conscience

Do not get depressed or despair about what you are experiencing today. God knows how you feel.
God knows exactly what is allowing in your life, right now in these moments

God's purpose for you is admirably perfect.

He wants to show you many things that you would only understand being in the place where you are now and in the condition that you live in that place.

And if you can really believe that "Jesus" will change your life ... then do not doubt ... He

It will hold you in your hand ...


This was incredible @taty17

Almost everyone faces this but of course that's when best to turn our attention to He should leads us to all truths @Holyspirit

Great post



If you want to conquer the anxiety of life,live in Christ live in the moment, live in the breath


I really like the way you blend the word of God and sceince to come out with this amazing post. God richly bless you for that.

We all go through moments of anxiety, but when we have the holy spirit leads us to all truth, we should not be anxious or afraid, because God is who sustains us. In his hands are my times.

Matthew 11: 28-30
28 Come to me, all you who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble of heart, and YOU WILL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden light.

Thank you @ taty17 for sharing this message with us, sometimes anxiety dominates us, but when we remember that in God we are sure, all anxiety goes away.

best post I've read today.I usually face anxiety anytime a responsibility is on my shoulder, this post has opened my eyes to see anxiety kills our faith in God and it should be taken away by prayer

Anxiety has to do with mental obsession, what you pour inside is what you get outside, it's best you pour positivity in your mental status.

Absolutely true... The best thing to do when we find ourselves in the state of anxiety, is to cast it upon the altar, which is laying it at the feet of God. Anxiety comes but we have victory over through Jesus

What is your weakness or problem,Go to the Lord's clinic and have a routine check and see if you are sick And I know God will treat if you have faith

If ever we feel like fear has gotten a better of us, let us call unto God and he'll answer. Fear is the greatest enemy of all time and only God can give us the comfort to overcome.

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